[18] The Real Truth About Her

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Chapter 18

Ashton's POV

I walked towards our hotel room with Jackson beside me. We decided to buy noodles so we can eat in the hotel room for lunch.

I mean, we r four lazy teenagers who r temporarily stuck in this place.

What do u expect?

We were laughing about what we saw in the store when we bought the foods. But then, it was cut off by a scream. I looked at Jackson. "What the fuck was that?" I asked him, he shrugged. "I think it's from our room." I nodded, agreeing with him. "Let go investigate." He nodded eagerly.

"Ashton & Jackson Co. The unlicensed investigaters." He stated as he makes it look like he was holding a magnifying glass. I rolled my eyes. He is so immature sometimes.

I walked closer to the door & out my ear on it. I gestured Jackson to come near too.

I hear attentively so I could know what the girls were talking about.

"R u sure? I mean, do u need me to buy u a test or something?" It was Violet. And a test? What is that all about?


Is Lilliana pregnant?!

I continue to hear their conversation. "No, no. There's no need for that. I just missed a cycle. No biggie." Jackson gives me a what-the-hell-is-going-on look. I shrugged.

"No biggie? Dude, do u wanna end up like Danielle or something? Plus, we r going to start uni soon. A baby is going to burden u more." I heard someone sigh.

"For the last time Violet, I'm not pregnant. God, u have to stop worrying."

"But I care about u, Lilliana! I don't want u to end up in a labor this fast! For Danielle, it's okay but for u, oh my god, it's too fast!" Violet started to raise her voice.

"Did u forgot that I told u I can't bear children 4 years ago?! Well, now I'm telling u again! I can't bear any children, Vi. I can't." Me & Jackson's eyes grew big.

Lilliana can't bear children.

I could never have my own children running around me.

But why didn't she tell me?

I quickly stood up & barged into the room. My eyes met with Lilliana's. "Hey Ashton. Back so quickly?" She asked with a small smile. I walked towards her. "Enough shits, Lilly. Why didn't u tell me u can't bear children?" Her smile quickly turned into a frown. "U heard that?" She asked.

Lilliana's POV


Ashton heard that.

He rolled his eyes. "No shit, princess. Now tell me, why didn't u tell me before?" He asked fiercely. "I... I..." I struggled to tell him the truth but my mouth didn't seem to work. I looked into his eyes & I saw it was full with anger.

He started to raise his hand. I quickly cover my head as defense & cried as I wait for the hit. "Please don't hit me." I whimpered. He reminds me of Reece. He used to hit me if I did something wrong too. No, Lilliana. Ashton is not Reece.

But it never came.

I put down my hand & looked at Ashton. His features soften & his hand was already down. I slide down the wall & hugged my knees. I continue to cry.

I can't bear children.

I can't give what Ashton wants.

Even though he is a gang leader, I know how much he wants to have his own children running around us.

And I can't give him that.

It's all because of the stupid Teacup Ride.

I feel someone wrapping their arms around me. "I'm so sorry, princess. I didn't mea-" He didn't finish his sentence because he was cut off by someone. "Look at what you've done, Ash! God, u shouldn't over react like that! Now u scared the crap out of her!" Violet yelled.

"She must have thought of Reece when u raise your hand! Dammit." The arms that were once around me left & came around a new pair. "I'm sorry, okay? I didn't fucking know that Reece treats her that way before! And plus, I don't even know she couldn't bear children! Why didn't she tell me?"

Um, hello? I'm still, u know? Don't talk about me like I'm not fucking here.

"Maybe because she's scared to tell u! Can't u get that in mind, ass? She dated Reece before. She isn't a superhuman. She doesn't heal that easily. Some little things could remind her about him too." Vi explained. Even though her words wasn't that scary, it was still full of venom.

I raised my head a little & wiped my tears. I saw Ashton crouched down in front of me. I noticed his eyes were watery but I know he was too 'manly' to let them flow.

"I'm sorry for scaring u like that, Lilly. I didn't know." He said as he tugged one of my hair behind my ear. I shook my head. "It's okay." I tried to give him a small smile but my lips doesn't seem to buge. He sighed. "I don't care if u can't bear children. We could always adopt or something. Well after u said 'yes' when I propose of course." He stated.

I wrapped my arms around him. He did the same & kiss my hair. "I'm sorry. I'm so fucking sorry. I love u so much, Lilliana." He said while he rubbed my back.

"I love u too, Ashton."



Hey guys!

If I say I cried when I wrote this chapter, would u believe me?

Well u should.

And if u say u do, then thanks xD

Because I hit meself when I didn't look where I was going & bumped into a wall.

Damn it hurts so bad.

Wait, meself?



Okay, that's just plain weird.

Remember to VOTE





P.S: Now I remember how the hell did I get meself to type 'meself' instead of 'myself'.

Two words & a face...

Niall Horan ;)

-Phoebe xox

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