[22] The 'Precious' Thing

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Chapter 22 (I don't know about u... But I'm feeling 22!! *clear throats* Sorry. Got caught up on the moment. MOVING ON!)

Lilliana's POV

I tried to open my eyes but it seems like it's too heavy.

"Guys look, she's trying to open her eyes." I think that's Amy.

"Lilliana? C'mon, try to open your eyes." That's... Wayne? Why is he here?

I tried again & this time I could open my eyes. I realised I wasn't in the hotel room. Instead, I was in a white room. A wad to be exact. Why the hell am I here anyway?

I saw everybody staring at me. I blinked my eyes to adjust myself. "Why am I here?" My voice was cracked. They look at each other. "U didn't remember anything?" Violet asked. I tried to shook my head but it hurts. "No." I answered. I looked down & saw my leg was wrapped with bandages.

Nicholas sighed. "U were in a car crash, Lilliana & do u know how hard it is to talk to the receptionist? We needed to use Google Translate to understand each other." I wanted to laugh but ended up wincing in pain. Kylie rubbed my arm. "Be careful. U broke your leg, 2 bones &... Something precious in the car crash."

Something precious? What is precious to me?

"Yeah. U should've seen Ashton. He just broke down when he knew. Jackson is still with him in the doctor's office." Violet explained. I raised an eyebrow, still lost in the conversation. "I don't understand." I said. The 'precious' thing must have been related to Ashton. But what is it?

Amy holds both of my hands & look dead into my eyes. "Lilly, u had a miscarriage. Appearantly, the impact was really hard. Even Wayne's car is in the workshop. U didn't pay attention to the road & a truck hit the car. " My jaw dropped & my eyes were filled with tears. "Mi-miscarriage?" I shuttered.

I lost my own child.

Ashton's child.

That actually explains why I was really sleepy & I vomited in some mornings. I was having morning sickness.

But how?

"How? The doctor once said I can't bear children." I said. Wayne smiled. "Maybe it's a miracle." Mental note: ask him about Violet. "Maybe it is. Where's the daddy?" I joked but it's still painful knowing I killed my own child. Tears began to fall when I realize that I killed our child. I tried to sit up straight but my leg hurt.

Kylie pushed my shoulder lightly so I can lie back down. "Don't, Lilliana. It hurts more if u sit. Just lay down & relax." She said softly. "I CAN'T RELAX KNOWING I JUST KILLED MY CHILD, KY!" I shouted. Everybody went silent. Then, the door opened, reviling a red-eyed Ashton & a sad Jackson.

Ashton's eyes lit up when he saw me. "Lilliana." I smiled while I wiped some of my tears. "Ashton." He walked towards me & hugged me. He broke down in my arms but still carefulI to not hurt me. I hushed him. "We lost our child, Lilliana." He stated. I never saw Ashton cried this hard before. "I-I know. I'm sorry. I k-killed it." I started to cry too. He pulled away immediately. "Fuck no. U didn't kill the child, princess. U didn't know. It's not your fault." He said as he push a stray of hair behind my ear.

"At least we know u can bear children. I swear, I'm going to beat the living shit our of the doctor who told u that." I smiled, knowing he still cares about me. "So how did u broke down exactly?" I asked while wiping some of his tears away. He also did the same to me.

"When u were already in the wad, the doctor was asking for your boyfriend. Good thing that doctor was an English speaker or I need to translate his words from doctor talk to real Malay to English." Jackson chuckled. "It's true. We were all there when the doctor was asking for him." Everyone nodded.

"As I was saying he asked for me. Then, he asked me about us having unprotected sex. I told him I didn't remember. The doctor shook his head & told me our 1 month old baby didn't make hit. He said u had a miscarriage. I just -fuck- I just broke down in front of the doctor & everyone. I don't really give a fuck about my reputation in that moment.

The only thing that I know is that my child didn't make it. I remembered that u told me that u couldn't bear any children so I knew it was a damn miracle. And a nurse gave me this envelope. They said it was in the car when it crashed."


I almost forgot about that shitty envelope.

He opened it & looked at me in the eye.

"From Raymond?"

I sighed.


Just what I needed.




Forget about me saying 'double update' in the last chapter.

IT'S A TRIPLE UPDATE!! *doing a cartwheel* *ends up in the hospital*

MeRrY CHristMaS to everyone who celebrates it!!!

What did u get when u open the present this morning?

Remember to VOTE






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