[9] Why Is He Here?

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Chapter 9

"Raymond?" Ashton asked just to make sure.

"Ashton! A pleasure to see u again." He smirked. I mentally gagged. His effort on being nice isn't going to work. "Well the pleasure isn't mine. What the fuck r u doing here?" Ashton spat out as he wrapped his arms around me protectively. Raymond's eyes trailed down his arms. His smirk grew wider.

"Your girlfriend is the last virgin that Reece needs to win the bet? Huh, who knew? Wait, don't answer that. Of course Jackson & the twins know. And maybe the whole school too. How about me & Reece's school? Do they know? Do our friends know?" He asked while raising an eyebrow.

Our friends? What does he mean? He & Raymond were friends? "Fuck off, Ray. They don't need to know & if they do, it's not my concern. Just tell them to fuck off too." He said deadly but Raymond wasn't slight scared. He was actually happy to see Ashton getting mad.

"Fuck off? U usually tells them to fuck girls." Raymond responded with a laugh. I shuddered by the thought. I didn't really know that Raymond & Ashton were friends. Ashton didn't respond him so I asked him a question. "Why r u here, Raymond?" I raised an eyebrow.

He turned his head so he could face me. He grinned. "Just here for a holiday after u put my brother in jail for the second time." He emphasized the word 'brother'. I rolled my eyes. "He deserves it. He tried to rape me!" I exclaimed. Some of the people looked our way.

"He raped u? He should have called me." His grin turned into a sly smirk. I'm pretty sure Ashton is going to blow up soon. "That's it!" He announced & threw a heavy punch to Ray's nose. "Ow! That hurts like bitch, man." He said as he holds his now bleeding nose.

But Ashton didn't stop there, he punched his stomach until the guards told us to get out. "I'LL GET ME & MY BROTHER'S REVENGE ON U SOON!" He yelled as he gets on his motorcycle & left. I laced me & Ashton's fingers together but I let go as Ashton winced in pain. I looked at his hand. His knuckles were busted.

Is Raymond's skull made out of steel or something?

Maybe he's the real man of steel.

Good point, Lolliana.

Thanks. I thought hard for that one.

"We can't go out of Singapore." Ashton said, causing me to end my conversation with Lolliana. "What do u mean?" I asked. He started running his fingers through his hair. "Well, we don't have our passports & we need them to go from another country to another country." I smacked my forehead.

How come we didn't think of that problem?

Maybe because u r stupid?

Shut up, bad side of Lolliana. God, I'm just going to call u Douchenia because u act like a total douche.

I kinda like that name. Douchenia. It reminds me of Narnia. Hey! It rhymes.

Congrats, Douchenia.

"We should call Jackson & tell him our situation." Ashton said after snapping his fingers in front of my face. I nodded but then stared at his knuckles. "What about your knuckles? They're busted." I said while holding his hand, examining his injured knuckles. He shook his head. "I'm okay. I've hurt more than this before."

I snapped my head at him to see his emerald eyes. "When?" I asked, full of concern. "When u leave me after the basketball game & I heard u scream 'What the hell, Eva?', then the phone went dead." He said softly. My facial features gone soft. I lifted his chin using my index finger. "I'm sorry u were so worried that night." I said.

He shook his head. "It's not your fault." I didn't respond him. I just gestured him to lend me his phone. He nodded & took out his phone. He put it on my palm & I quickly dialed jackass' number. After the 3rd ring, he picked it up.

"Hello?" His voice sounds raspy. He didn't greet us like he used too.

"Hey, Jackson. Um... We've got a situation here." I said while biting my lip.

"Put it on speaker." I heard a girl's voice said.

"Hey Lil' Li & Ash." Oh, it's Violet.

"U okay?" Ashton asked, surprising me.

"Yeah. Just... Cried the whole drive through." I wanted to ask her what did she mean by 'the whole drive through' but I asked her why is she crying. Then, something hit me.

"Oh wait, please don't answer that. I'm sorry. I didn't mean anything. I just forgot about it. Please don't cry more. I just got-" She cut me off.

"It's okay. I know u got a lot more to go through." I heard her blow her nose. Ashton hold my hand & gave me small smile. I guess he understands & I'm really glad for that.

"Back to your situation. What is your situation?" Jackson asked.

"We don't have our passports with us so we can't go back to Malaysia." Ashton explained. I laid my head on his shoulder & he pulled me closer.

"Too bad we didn't take your passports." I can sense him lying about that but what does he mean by 'take'?

They couldn't be coming here, right?

"Guess again, princess." Ashton whispered into my ears as we looked at a white Mercedes in front of us.



Hey guys!

Another update done! I hope u guys will get ready because the ride is going to be interesting.

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Love u guys <3


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