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Lilliana's POV

"Stop moving, Ruth!" I exclaimed. She was moving around as I try to tie her hair in a braid. Her brother is with his dad downstairs eating breakfast and since Ruth is a girl, she wants me to do her hair.

We are going to Jackson's place as his son, Kyle is turning 9. I'm pretty sure that Ruth has a huge crush on him, that's why she wants me to do her hair - so she could impress him. "Mom?" My daughter asked. I hummed as a sign to tell her to continue.

"Do... Do u think Kyle will like me?"

I should have known she'll ask that question.

Well, she is born from your vagina so you should know.

God, I'm 28 now yet I still have you by my side, Douchenia.

And I'm not planning to leave just yet.

I sighed. "Maybe, Ruth." I'm pretty sure Kyle has a crush on her too, seeing that he likes to give her flowers but I'm not telling her that. She nodded, satisfied with the answer.

"I'm gonna go down and watch TV." She said after I successfully tied her hair into a braid.

"Did you eat your breakfast?" She shook her head. I raised my eyebrow. "You should eat breakfast, Ruth or Kyle won't like you..." I said, knowing my daughter couldn't resist the urge to impress Kyle. Without another word, she quickly ran downstairs to eat breakfast.

I laughed to myself and walked downstairs. "Morning, mom!" Oz exclaimed. He seems happy and I'm pretty sure because he's going to meet his best friend. Ashton stood up and kissed my forehead. "G'morning, wifey." I smiled as he put his bowl on the sink.

"Morning, hubby. So Oscar, ready for Kyle's birthday?" I asked my son as I ruffled his hair. He frowned. "Don't do that, mom." He hates it when someone ruffles his hair like his Uncle Lucas. "But yeah. I can't wait to tell him that he's growing old!" Just then, Ruth slapped his arm.

He winced a little because his sister hit him hard. "Ow, what the hell, Ruth?" She humped and ate her breakfast. I knew what was up and smiled. "You loaded the present yet?" I asked Ashton. He rolled his eyes. "Yes, princess. I did now stop worrying about everything." He took my hand and lead me out to the balcony.

I laughed. "I am a wife with 2 kids so it's normal for me to worry." He rolled his eyes again.

I wonder if he ever have a headache because of it.

I don't think so.

"Please, Lilliana. You are always worrying before we were even fucking engaged." He chuckled. "And look where we are now." I smiled. He faced me and kissed me sweetly. I wrapped my arms around his neck and deepen the kiss. When did I get this lucky?

Suddenly, a chorus of 'ew's made us break apart. "Mommy, daddy, c'mon! I don't wanna be late!" Ruth exclaimed. Her brother raised an eyebrow towards her. "Why are you so eager? It's not like you have a crush on my best friend, right?"

As on cue, Ruth blushed - which is a dead giveaway that she just told her brother she has a crush on his best-friend-since-diapers.

He gasped. "YOU HAVE A CRUSH ON KYLE?!" Ruth slapped his mouth shut as me and Ashton laugh our asses off. "Shut the fuck up, Oz! If you tell him, you are a dead boy." She stated. He nodded. She let go off his mouth and sighed. "If he breaks your heart though, I will slap him silly." Oscar said.

Now, where have I heard that before?

"Oz... Did you just quote that from that one cartoon video that has loads of puns in Youtube?" Ruth asked while she tried to stop herself from laughing.

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