[16] Sweet Gestures

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Chapter 16

Children, children, please have a sit as I will tell this chapter in a Third Person's POV.

"Why am I so lucky?" Ashton murmured to himself as he touches Lilliana's arm. She squirmed a little under his touched but didn't wake up. Ashton didn't want to wake his princess as it was still early.

Their best friends have gone out to buy breakfast for them. Ashton decided to play his guitar as he awaits for his friends & for his girlfriend to wake up. Jackson told him he brought along Ashton's guitar because he knew the ride would be boring so maybe Ashton could play his guitar for everybody.

He uses his phone to find a song that he could play on his guitar. Then, Night Changes by One Direction comes out. He shook his head while smiling & looked at Lilliana. He knew she likes the band so he decided to give it a try. He opens the score & strummed it slowly first.

"Not bad." He stated.

Night Changes filled Lilliana's ears. She wanted to wake up & see where is the music coming from but her eyelids doesn't seem to open. She decided to snuggled closer to her pillow & hear the music attentively.

It wasn't from a radio for sure. And it wasn't from a phone too. She listen closely & found out it was actually strummed. When did we have a guitar in the hotel room? She thought to herself.

The person who strummed it definitely amazed her. It was one of her favorite songs. If it was strummed by her boyfriend, well that's a bonus. Then, the person strummed the last note. The beautiful song came to an end. Lilliana thought that when she wakes up, she'll definitely tell the person to play her the song again.

Suddenly, someone wrapped an arm around her waist. "I know u r awake, princess." Her prince's husky voice filled her ears. She turned & open her eyes to face him. She smiled when she saw her staring into a pair of green eyes she fell in love with.

She's so beautiful. He thought to himself. His princess was smiling at him like a girl on Christmas morning. So pure, so innocent. But he was a gang leader. Evil could strike him anytime & if it gets ugly, his princess would be hurt too.

"Did u strum the song 'Night Changes', Ashton?" She asked. Ashton nodded. He didn't really thought that Lilliana heard him strummed the song.

She smiled wider. "Could u play it for me one more time?" She asked. Being sweet, he nodded. He took his guitar & tune it. He wants to play the best he could for Lilly. Then, he started to play her favorite song.

Without even realising it, she starts to sing along.

We're only getting older baby

And I've been thinking about you lately

Does it ever drive you crazy

Just how fast the night changes

Everything that you've ever dreamed of

Disappearing when you wake up

But there's nothing to be afraid of

Even when the night changes

It will never change me and you

She laid her head on his shoulder. "That was incredible." She said to him. He smiled & thanked her. But then, she realized their friends weren't in the hotel room. "Where r Jackson & Violet?" Ashton turned his head to face her.

"They went out to buy breakfast." She nodded & yawn. She stood up but Ashton pulled her down so she could continue to lie with him. He enjoys his girlfriend's presence very much & he wants to cuddle her. "Ashton, I need to bath. I smell awful." She whined but he didn't move a muscle. He continues to wrap his arms around her waist.

"I don't care. I want to be near u right now." He said while he trailed small kisses down her neck. Lilliana tried to close her mouth to prevent a moan to escape her mouth but failed eventually. Then, Ashton started to suck on one spot, which is Lilly's sweet spot.

Shit, a hickey is going to form. She thought to herself. She wanted to stand up & walked into the bathroom but Ashton's grip was tight & a part of her enjoys the pleasure. "U like that, huh?" Even though her back was facing Ashton, she could sense him smirking. She tries to hit him hard but she can't. Curse his muscles. She thought. "I hate u." She mumbled.

Instead of being angry, Ashton laughed.

"C'mon, princess. Everybody knows u love me." He emphasized the word 'love'. She laid her head on his chest. Why isn't he shirtless? Before she could think any other dirty thoughts, she shook her head. "Sadly, it's true." She looked up & saw those emerald eyes staring into her soul. She saw him smiling a real genuine smile.

But then, he cringed. "God, u do smell, Lilly."

She rolled her eyes. "It's not my fault u were holding me back."

His lips twitched into a smirk. "It's not my fault u were enjoying it."

She gaped like fish out of water as she thinks of a comeback. Ashton waits attentively for her comeback but she took so long. After she realizes she has nothing, she stood up & walked into the bathroom, leaving a laughing Ashton behind.



Hey guys! Another day, another update... Whoopee! So how was it? First time I wrote a chapter in a Third Person's POV & I think it's okay. How 'bout u?



Pls continue VOTING





P.S: Read the first book: Bad Boy Romance ;)

-Phoebe xx

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