[10] Best Friends To The Rescue!

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Chapter 10

Ashton's POV

"They r here? Pinch me, Ashton. I think I'm dreaming." Lilliana said. I chuckled.

She's so cute when she acts stupid.

Wait, what?

I didn't just said that.

Uh... U just did, Ashton. But don't worry. It's normal when u have a girlfriend.

"I don't need to pinch u, Lilly. They are here. Look." I pointed at Jackson who is rolling down the window. She nodded, clearly surprise that our best friends have arrived to save us. "Hey. Need a lift?" He smirked. I shook my head. "Nah bro. We just need passports to get the hell out of here." I stated as me & Lilliana walked towards the car.

"In that case..." He looked at the compartment & gave Lilliana something.

My eyes widen & Lilliana gasped . "On the phone, u said 'too bad we didn't take your passports'." I quoted. "That is called lying, my friend. God, for a bad boy, u r such an idiot. I still don't know how the hell does Lilliana manages to stay with u more than 10 seconds." He rambled. "Me too, Jackson. Me too." Lilliana said. I glared at her. She shrugged & a smirk was plastered on her face, telling me she's teasing.

"Well? Don't u two want to get out of here? Go in & show them your damn passports!" Jackson yelled. "Jeez, someone lit the fuse on his tampon." I heard Lilliana said. I chuckled & put my arms around her. "I think I'm the one who lit the fuse on his tampon." I whispered into her ear as we walked into the building again. Her cheeks flushed in embarrassment. "I-I didn't think u would hear that." She muttered. I chuckled again. "I know, princess. I know." I stated.

We queued & wait for our turn to show our passports to the customs. When we're waiting she took out something from her pocket. I took a peek to see what it was. A smile found its way across my face. She was holding the picture that we took at the Universal Studio with the Madagascar crew. My hand was around her waist as we smiled to the camera.

But then, I realized I wasn't staring at the picture anymore. I was staring at the beautiful girl in front of me who is actually my girlfriend. I'm really glad that I grew a pair & asked her to be mine that night. Her brown hair was flowing till her waist while her big hazel eyes stare at the picture her hands r holding. Her cheeks were healthy pink which sometimes could be bright red if she blushes at some little things.

And her lips.

God, nobody could miss her soft pink lips. I can't believe that son of a bitch -yes, I'm talking about Reece- cheated on her. I mean, who doesn't see the awesome side of Lilliana? She is quiet but fun to be around once u got to know her. She doesn't really deserves me. She deserves someone better. How could she see through my bad side? Oh yeah. I didn't tell her my greatest secret of all.

"U don't need to keep staring at me like a hungry lion, Ash." She said without leaving her eyes from the picture which held many memories. I laughed while wrapping her waist with my arms. "I didn't think u would notice." I whispered into her ear. She shook her head & put the photo back into her pocket.

She turned to face me & I found myself staring into her soul. Her eyes trailed down to my lips. I started to lean closer & closer until someone cleared their throat. "Ehem. Passports please." We both snapped our heads towards the lady behind the counter. Lilliana's cheeks immediately becomes red as she gives the lady our passports.

"Teenagers." I heard her scoffed. After she stamped something on our passports, she gave them back. We walked towards our rented car. "LILLIANA!" I heard somebody shouted. Lilliana turned to see who is it. "Vi! U okay?" They both run to each other & hugged the life out of each other. I decided to walk towards Jackson's car to catch things up.
I opened the passenger's door & slide in. "Oh my god dammit! I thought who the fuck was that!" He exclaimed while putting his hand on his heart.

I shook my head while laughing. Still the same old Jackson. "So, u good? I heard about the fight." I asked him. He sighed. "I guess but we've become a little... Distant." He stated. I can see he was sad because Kylie is distancing herself from him & his friendship with Wayne is on the bottom of the line.

I slapped his back. "U will make it better, dude." Jackson's frown turned into a smirk. "Dude? I thought that bro-code number 2 is don't call each other 'dude'." He said, clearly amused because I used the word 'dude'. I rolled my eyes. "Using it doesn't mean I like it. I still hate it because it sounds that I'm gay." He put his hand on his heart.

"I thought u were! Dang it, I thought I was friends with a gay dude." He said while wiping off a fake tear. I rolled my eyes again & looked out the window. I saw Violet was crying her shit out & her best friend was trying her hardest to cool her down. I sighed, wondering what the hell is wrong with Mr Good Guy.

"Trust me, Ashton, I'm thinking about the same thing too." Jackson said. I guess I said my thoughts out loud. Then, Lilliana & Violet walked towards the car we r currently in. I noticed Violet has puffy red eyes. She must be crying her life out last night till just now. She opened the door & motioned me to get out.

"Good to see u again, ass." She said like she was a general. "The pleasure is all mine, colour." I said as I get out of the car. I gave her the nickname colour because her name is a type of colour. Lilliana said my creativity was very high. "C'mon! Let's go people. We don't have much time, u know?" Jackson exclaimed.

"Well what r we waiting for? Let's get this show on the road!"



Hey guys! Sorry for the late update. I had some things to take care of.

As always, continue to VOTE






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