[21] Being Forced

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Chapter 21

Lilliana's POV

God, this place is filled with coffee smell.

And I like it.

I am still praying to god that I won't die today. Well, at least not on the hands of Raymond.

"Glad to see u make it, Kitty." I turned & saw the devil itself.

He smirked. "Hello Kitty." I bit my lip to stop myself from bursting into laughters. To prevent my laughter to come out, I just nodded at him. God, doesn't he know how silly that sounds? He gestured me to sit down. He sat on the opposite of me. "So Lilliana, I heard u & Ashton r a couple." I just nodded.

He raised an eyebrow. "U do know he is a gang leader, right?" Once again, I nodded while looking at other things, trying to avoid eye contact with the devil.

Wow, that's a nice wall. "Don't u think it's disturbing? Knowing that he kills people & send people to jail?"

I shrugged. "If that's the right thing to do then go ahead." He scoffed.

"Right thing? Lilly, r u even hearing yourself? Killing innocent people, sending people to jail isn't the right thing to do, Lilliana!" I snapped my heads towards him. "And raping people is? Ray, your brother is a fucking rapist! He killed loads of people too! That isn't the right thing too, isn't it? Why r u even telling me this? So that I could leave Ashton? Never in a million years I would do that." I stated, standing firm on my ground.

He huffed. "That's his problem. I don't really like Reece anyway. And I want u to leave Ashton but it looks like u r already glued to him." I narrowed my eyes. "Why r u acting this way, Ray? I always noticed u stiffed around when me & Reece or with any other guy hangout. What the hell is your problem?" I started to raise my voice.

He snickered while facing the opposite way. U r so oblivious, Lilliana but never mind that. I need u to do something for me. Well, if u want to survive of course." Oblivious? What does he mean? He turned his head to me & I saw a smirk plastered to his face.

Oh no. Bad sign.

Dammit, Lolliana. We're going to die.

Yeah we r, bitch.

Not the time for it, Douchenia.

He slides an envelope across the table & I look at it. "Take it & read it when u reach your hotel or somewhere private. Read the instructions in the envelope. And don't let the others see it. If they know about this-" He stopped & make a gesture with his hand that he is cutting of his head. I gulped nervously. What is in the damn envelope? He smiled evilly & gestured a guy to come beside him.

I know that guy.

What's his name? Maron... Something like that.

More like moron.

He smirked at me. "Nice to meet u again, Lilliana. But we need to leave now." The Maron guy said. His name is Aaron. Oh yeah. That's his name. Thanks Lolliana. "We'll see u soon, Lilliana." And just like that, they left. I quickly took the envelope & ran towards Wayne's car.

I drove until I reach a park & park the car there. I went out & sit on one of the benches to read the envelope.


Dear Lilliana,

It was seriously a pleasure to see u again. I hope that we could see each other everyday after this mess is over.

Now, in this envelope, u will see 8 plane tickets to America. I want u to tell every one of your friends to go back there but when they ask u what's wrong, u DO NOT tell them that I told u to. Instead, u just tell them that u got bored staying in Malaysia.

But don't worry. I know how much u want to see the KLCC so I gave u & your friends until this Friday. So by Saturday, u should arrived at the airport. I know what is your every move, Lilliana. I can see what r u doing. Don't ask how because I have my ways. In your room, your friends room, basically in the hotel, I can see every move u & they make and I have seen some dirty things... God, my virgin eyes.

Don't try to run away, Kitty. If I don't see in the airport Friday morning, u & your friends will have the consequences. And don't make up some petty excuse like the plane delay or anything. I know everything, Lilly. I'll have my guards watching u on Friday.

I hope to see u again, Lilliana. We should, don't u think?

Lots of love,

Raymond ;)

After I read the letter for the 3rd time, I looked inside the envelope. Of course it was filled with 8 tickets to LAX. I sighed.

How on Earth am I going to do this?

Like a woman... Duh.

I rolled my eyes & walked towards Wayne's car with fear.

I'm sorry, everyone.

I was being forced.



*singing with a comb in hand* Been around the world don't speak the language... But your booty don't need explaining...


*realizes the camera was on me*

*comb my hair then throw the comb somewhere*

Hey guys! Awkward... Sorry, I got caught up on the song. I was actually seeing that video when I was writing this xD

So... Double update! *doing a really weird dance*







*pants heavily* *clears throat* Sorry. I've become aggressive all of a sudden. *laugh awkwardly*

Well, I just want u guys to read that book if u want to xD






And I'll keep UPDATING!

P.S: Why r there ghost readers? Like... Don't be shy. I won't bite 😁

-The Author Of This Damn Book

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