[23] Explaining Everything

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Chapter 23

Lilliana's POV

To: Prince Ass

I can't tell u here. Meet me in the bathroom.

From: Prince Ass

Don't u think it's a little early for shower sex? ;)

I hit his head & gave him a look. He rolled his eyes but still has that cheeky grin on his face.

To: Prince Ass

Just act like me, dimwit.

I stood up & walk into the bathroom. I was already out from the hospital because my injuries were surprisingly healing up fast.

"Ashton, could u come here & see what's up with the toilet? It can't flush." I yelled just for the sake of the CCTVs.

The door opened & Ashton came in. He locked the door behind him. "Would u like to tell me what's between u & Raymond now?" He whispered. I rolled my eyes & gave him the note. It's a note that I wrote yesterday containing what Raymond wants me to do & some other things that has something to do with that jerk.

When he was reading the note, I shouted random things like "I don't know, babe. It just broke", "stop being so horny, Ashton" or "don't blame me".

Ashton tensed up when he's reading the note. His face visibly showed hatered, angriness & shock. When he was done, his green eyes looked up & met with mine. "He's flirting with u!" He whispered but still has the hint of anger & jealousy in his voice. I raised an eyebrow. "Flirting?" I asked.

He rolled his eyes. "Isn't it obvious?" Then, he snapped his fingers. To prevent the CCTVs having the wrong idea, he shouted "I know what's wrong with the damn toilet!" I raised my hands in the air. "What?!" I hissed. "He likes u, Lilliana! Don't u realize this? God dammit, I swear if I see him I'm going to rip his balls off-" I cut him off by putting my hand on his mouth, preventing him from making his voice louder & louder.



He likes me?


So that's why he said I was oblivious the other day!

Wow, u could have been more slower, Lilly.

Speak for yourself too, Douchenia.

"Asdfghjkl." Ashton's voice muffled through my hand. Then, I felt a slimy thing on my palm. I quickly pulled back. "Ew, u licked my hand!" I exclaimed. He put a hand on my mouth. I instantly licked his hand as payback. As fast as lighting, he pulled back like I did. "U licked my hand." He pouted. I smiled. "Now we're even." I stated.

He sighed. "Well now we have to figure out a game plan." I nodded, agreeing with him. But then, my hormones started talking. "How about we think about this later?" He snapped his head towards me. He has a smirk plastered on his face. "Are u talking about shower sex?" He asked. I bit my lips & nodded. Curse u, hormones.

His smirk turned into a wide grin as he started taking off his shirt. And let me tell u, it was getting really kinky.


After the event in the shower, we told everyone to gather in Violet's hotel room's bathroom. We also noticed that they didn't have any CCTVs in their room. Which is weird because Ray stated at there are CCTVs in our room & theirs. But Ashton still wants us to be gathering in the toilet.

For safety.

"Remind me again why r we gathering in a toilet? A GODDAMN TOILET?!" Wayne yelled. Kylie couldn't stand it so she slapped him. "Ow, woman. No need to be so harsh." I rolled my eyes.

Ashton cleared his throat. "Well everyone, today we r gathered here to discuss about payback to our old 'friend', Raymond O'Connor." He air quoted the word 'friend'.

"O'Connor? I thought he's in jail to rot." Wayne speak up.

Now we have to explain to everyone else about this.

And we don't really have much time.



Hey guys!

I'm so sorry for the late update... I didn't really have a great internet connection here :(

And I didn't die...

At least I finally update! Yeepee!

Continue VOTING





-The Author... Duh xD

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