[17] Amusement Park Memories

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Chapter 1

Lilliana's POV

After we ate, Violet said we should have some fun while we r here. "When we were buying breakfast, we saw a nearby amusement park. Why don't we go there?" Jackson suggested.

'Cause we've got all night

And we're going nowhere

Why don't u stay

Why don't we go there?

I sang in my head. Curse u, One Direction. Well not really. I like that song.

Ashton groaned. I raised an eyebrow. "What's wrong, Ash?" He shook his head & pointed at his best friend. Everyone shook their heads, clearly don't understand what is he trying to say. "He used a One Direction song inside his sentence. Do u know how I feel when heard his sentence?" Ashton asked.

He sings the song?

"U automatically sing the song?" Violet answered him with a question. Ashton grinned & gave her a high-5, which means she's right. I laughed, knowing he's like me. "Well, finish your breakfasts & let's go there!" I stated. Violet rolled her eyes. "U sound like my dad." She grumbled. I patted her back. "Good to know."

And just like that, everybody roared in laughter.


"Wow." I whispered.

"Yeah. I know, right? That was the same thing I said when we drove past here this morning." Jackson said.

The amusement park was huge! I haven't gone on one since Lucas' 7th birthday. I frowned. Even though it has been 4 years, the memory is still clear in my mind.

"Lilliana? U okay?" Ashton asked, worried. He must have notice my frown. I gave him a small smile. "I'm okay." He nodded but still has a determine look in his eyes. Basically, it means he won't give up until he knows what's in my mind, which I really don't wanna talk about. But hey, it's going to come out sooner or later, right?

Ashton's POV

Something's wrong with Lilliana. Like... A bad memory just flashed through her mind.

Well no shit, Ashton.

(A/N: Sorry, I got caught up in that moment xD That wasn't meant to be there, that's why it's in bold. *clears throat awkwardly* MOVING ON!)

"C'mon! Let's go to the rides! There's loads!" Violet cheered. I smiled & linked me and Lilly's fingers together. Her arms was shaking.

I shake it off,

I shake it off.

God, not a Taylor moment here.

I noticed she was eyeing on a certain ride. I followed her eyes &I saw she was eyeing on the Teacup ride.

The Teacup Ride, the ride that will make anyone puke their guts out.

I smiled. My cousin usually says that when I bring her to the fair & she saw that ride.

Then, someone snapped their fingers in front of my face. "U okay, ass?" Lilliana asked. I nodded. "I'm fine, lol." I said. She smiled but rolls her eyes. "C'mon. We should go to that merry-go-round." She said while pulling me towards the horses. She's so cute when she acts like a fucking 2 year old. Wow, I actually said that? Yes. Yes u did.

I helped Lilliana on her horse as she always slipped. Good thing she wore jeans or I swear I'm going to rip off those boys' eyes from their eye socket if she wears a damn skirt. I was going to walk to another horse when Lilliana called my name.

"What?" I raised an eyebrow.

She pouted & patted the seat behind her. "Sit with me." I shook my head while chuckling & sat behind her. I wrapped my arms around her waist & laid my chin on her shoulder. Even though her back was facing me, I could tell she's smiling like a total lunatic but still fidgeting like she knows she's going to die soon. Then, the ride started.

We were going in circles slowly.

Circles, we're going in circles.

Curse u, Jackson. Why did u wanna hear the whole collection of 1D albums yesterday? Now I have this song stuck in my head too.

The ride ended sooner & we hopped down the horse.

I noticed Lilliana was still fidgeting.

"U okay, Lilly? You've been fidgeting the whole time." I rubbed circles on her back as we walked towards another ride. She shook her head. "U wanna talk about it?" I asked. She shook her head again. It's surprising she haven't had a headache yet. "I do but..." She trailed off.

Then, she motioned me to sit down on one of the benches. I noticed that the fair was already full with people than before. Lilliana laid her head on my shoulder & I continue to rub circles behind her back.

"It was 4 years ago. Lucas was having his 7th birthday when this incident happened." Oh fuck, this isn't going to be good.

Lilliana's POV

"Me & Reece-" I shivered when I said his name. "-we're still dating at the time. Dad decided to held Lucas' birthday in an amusement park like this one. He thought that having one in the house is boring so he rented the whole amusement park. God, I still remember how it looks like." I smiled. Ashton gave me one too.

"Well, me & Reece wanted to ride the Teacup ride first as it looked fun." I frowned. "But it wasn't. It was were the incident occurred." Ashton wrapped his arms around my waist. "U don't need to-" I cut him off. "No. I'm getting this off my shoulder. As I said, the incident occurred.

The ride was slow at first. But then, it started to go really fast. I don't really know what the hell was wrong with the ride. Suddenly, u know the thing that we hold when we r on the ride?" I asked him. He nodded, understanding. "Well, it came off. I didn't notice it & it hit my stomach. I don't even know how the hell that damn thing could go inside my stomach."

I laughed humorlessly. "It was painful & it brings bad memories 'cause-" I was being cut off by Ashton as he kissed me. It was kinda like a kiss full of pity. "I'm sorry. I didn't know. That's why u have been staring at The Teacup Ride like it's going to come alive any second." He chuckled.

I gave him a small smile but somehow the guilt is still inside my body.

Because I didn't tell him the real truth about me.



Hey guys!


God, so sorry for the late update. I was really busy with my cousin's wedding & everything.

So... Lilliana didn't really tell Ashton what's wrong with her. WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH HER?

Well I don't know either. Just wait & see :)

C'mon everybody! VOTE






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