Chapter Twelve: Kaylee

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Chapter Twelve:


            The rest of the day went by horribly. I did my essays and that was the worst. I couldn't find it in me to concentrate. My thoughts were just consumed by Luke.

            I realized that I'd reacted too strongly knowing I had been expecting that anyways. I knew that he wouldn't be all 'yay relationship with Kay!' but I hoped. I understand he said he liked me, too, but it doesn't mean anything if he doesn't want to pursue it.

            I thought long and hard all day long. Into Sunday morning. Into Sunday afternoon. My high school work was done and my college work...well, as done as I could manage.

            Even in my sleep on Sunday night, I dreamt about him. But that's not something I want to share.

So when Monday morning rolled around and it was time to see him again, I was a ball of nerves. I drove as carefully as I could to the school but still, I was the most nervous I've ever been.

I parked in my senior parking space and got out of the car, hoping I wouldn't see Luke. I had had classes with him every other year or so but time spent together was minimal. I knew him from afar. This year I'd been graced with only two classes together. Lunch and Choir.

So I had until fifth period for lunch and then until ninth period for Choir. Joy.

I spent most of my classes trying to take my mind off of him, thinking about anything other than Luke. To no avail, of course, but I still tried.

Periods came and went and it was finally time for lunch. Beth sat across from me, my only friend. Well, not even a friend. She was an acquaintance. But I needed someone to sit with during lunch and Beth was as close to a friend as I could get. We had a couple of classes together so we always had something to talk about.

I was listening to her talking about her choir class when I felt a presence above me. I knew it was him the second he touched my shoulder. The sparks were flying like there was no tomorrow.

Beth was struck quiet as she glanced towards the tall man behind me. Slowly, I turned around and looked up at hm.

"Yes?" I asked, swallowing a gulp.

He smirked at me. He was wearing a football shirt and a very great fitting pair of jeans.

"Hi Kay," he chirped. Way too chirpy.

"Hi Luke," I said, smiling sheepishly.

Without waiting for an invitation, he sat down next to me and put his backpack on the ground.

I just looked at him as he extended his hand out to Beth. "Hi, I'm Luke."

Beth smiled back, out of her trance, and shook it. "Beth. Pleasure to meet you."

I smiled at their exchange. "What are you doing here Luke?" I didn't know if i should apologize for being a bitch before or not.

He turned to me and grinned. "I'm not allowed to eat lunch with my favorite bartender now?"

I rolled my eyes. "Riiight." He didn't seem mad at me for my blowout.

Beth was watching carefully, analyzing all our moves.

"Jessie's running passes for guidance today so I was gonna be by myself at the lunch table," he admitted while digging through his bag for his lunch.

I smirked. "That makes more sense."

Jessie is Luke's best friend. I'd had a couple of classes with him before. Player, yes. Man-whore, somewhat. Still he was nice, always decent with me. But I had a feeling that he knew about Luke and my past. We had all been friends in fifth grade together so it was granted that he would suspect.

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