Chapter Twenty Eight: Luke

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Chapter Twenty Eight


I could feel her gaze on me as the game began. The poor freshmen were nervous wrecks and Jess and I were supposed to be here to help them calm down the nerves. But I was too focused on Kaylee to care. I kept looking back at her, catching her looking at me but every time she looked away. Silly Kay.

Eventually, the game began and I had to focus, otherwise these kids would lose. I helped as much as I could without having my thoughts wander to Kay, but it wasn't much.

By the second quarter, the coach could tell I wasn't really there and told me to go sit by the benches to drink some water. Jess noticed and came to sit by me.

"What's up man?" Jess asked.

I shrugged. "Tired. I didn't think that I'd still be this out of it by now."

"Dude, don't lie. I'm your best friend. You know you can tell me anything."

I sighed and put my head in my hands, resting my elbows on my knees. "Jess, I told her I love her."


"She said it back," I said with a smile.

"So what the hell is the problem?" Jess asked.

"It's been less than a month Jess. These things don't happen to me. I don't just fall in love with girls like that. I haven't had sex with her for God's sakes. I've never even had a serious girlfriend before and now I'm dropping the l-word like its nothing!" I was in full out panic mode.

"So what? It was bound to happen sometime. I had to deal with Melanie leaving me for Nathan and I think Mikaela may be the answer to my prayers. I want to stop being the player she hates, just so that I can have the chance to prove myself to her. You don't have to go through that. She already loves you. And you love her back. Don't create a problem out of nothing," he warned. Poor Jess knew what he was talking about.

I nodded and looked up at him. He was glancing towards the bleachers and I saw a smile cross his face. He suddenly blew a kiss into the crowd and I laughed, looking over to see Mikaela blushing and Kaylee smiling next to her.

Aw shit! Now I'm gonna be thinking about Kay again.

"Her talking aloud really does catch up to you," Jess commented.

"Whatever," I answered, and kept looking at her. I could tell, even from this far away, that she was smiling slyly because she knew I was looking, even though her gaze was averted the other direction.

"C'mon, we got a game to win!" Jessie suddenly said, and pulled on my arm, making me stand up.

I hissed and Jess immediately let go. The pain that shot through my side was unbelievable.

"Shit," I murmured, curling into my side.

"You okay, man?" Jessie asked.

I tried to straighten out but it hurt too much. I think my rib got dislocated again.

"I gotta go to the hospital man. It hurts like a bitch," I said, turning to look at him.

But again, he was looking at the crowd, this time frowning. I looked over and saw Kaylee rushing down the bleachers, keeping her gaze on us. She was frowning and looked like she was in a hurry. Mikaela followed behind her, but not with a worried frown on her face.

Thirty seconds later, Kay got past the little fence and was rushing to my side.

"What happened?" she asked, reaching for me. I couldn't exactly let go of my side but she still managed to wrap her arms around me.

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