Chapter Thirty Three: Kaylee

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Chapter Thirty Three


"Jesus freaking Christ!"

"Jess, shut it!" Mikky said, pressing her hand onto his mouth.

Luke and I rolled our eyes and waited for them to pay attention again. We were stunned to see Mikky pull Luke closer in a flash and start an intense make out session right in front of us.

Luke chuckled as I cleared my throat, hoping to catch their attention. But they were very occupied, it seemed.

"Guys! Give me two minutes to finish what we were telling you and then, I swear, we'll let you go back to....that," I said, trying not to laugh. We were in the middle of telling them our news.

Mikky pulled away first, blushing a deep red. Jessie chuckled and put his arm around her, kissing her head lightly. They were sitting together against our loveseat. Luke and I were standing in front of them, each of us holding a baby in our arms.

Lily had really started to come around now, and I could calm her down using my own little method. Evan was being cradled by Luke, sleeping tight. Tomorrow we'd have to go to the guidance counselor at school to see what our options were, and we wanted to let Mikky and Jessie know what was going on in case anyone spread the news beforehand.

And here we were. Facing a red Mikky and a clearly amused Jessie.

"Sorry," Mikky said, hiding her face in Jess's chest.

I couldn't help but feel a little curious. "So, when did that start?" Meaning, their 'relationship.'

"Yesterday," Jess answered proudly. "She can't keep her hands off me."

Mik pulled away from him and quickly swatted his arm. "Liar! I managed it for almost three months!"

Jessie laughed, kissed her on the lips again, and added, "I know, Mik, I'm just joking, babe."

"Humph!" They both finally turned so that they were facing us and looked shocked again.

"So," Luke started. "As we were saying. I'm holding Evan, and Kay is holding Lily. They're newborn twins. And they're ours," he finished proudly, looking at me lovingly.

"You guys are parents," Jess whispered, the shock catching up to him.

"It's weird, I know," I said, "But we can do it. These babies...there aren't words to describe how much we love them."

Mikky got up, releasing herself from Jess and headed to me. "Can I hold her?"

I nodded and quickly kissed Lil's cheek, handing her over to Mikky, showing her how to hold her head right. Jessie got up, too, watching Luke while he looked at Evan.

"Dude, from player, to boyfriend, to dad in six months," Jessie said, eyes still open wide. "How are we ever gonna hang out now?"

I turned to face them, leaving Mikky with Lily, completely entranced. "Jess, these kids are gonna need their godparents around, too, you know."

Luke and I smiled as we watched the reaction on Jess's face.

"What?" he gasped.

"Well, we aren't really that religious," Luke started, "But we figured that you'd still want the title, you know, of being a godfather."

Jessie's grin was immense. "God, man, that'd be...amazing," he said.

Mikky was off to the side, still keeping her attention on Lily, so I pulled her to where the other two were. "Mik, you'd be their godmother. I know the thing people usually do is give each child a separate godparent, but we figured you wouldn't mind the double duty."

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