
432 9 35

Y'all thought the age gap between Blossomfall and Thornclaw was big. Wait until you see these dIsGuStInG people. I'm not exactly sure how many moons apart they are but I saw it was estimated about 5 year difference, not sure if that's true or not. To me, this ship is ✨Disgusting✨ not because of the age gape but because Pinestar didn't even care about Leopardfoot. He obviously loved the idea of being a fat, pampered kittypet more than being with his mate and CHILD. Honestly no wonder Tigerclaw/star is such a noodle fart. Yes, a noodle fart. Also, PINESTAR GET THE HAYSTACK AWAY FROM JAKE THATS TALLSTARS MAN. AnD, he just had to leave after his two daughters just freaking died. Like what the milk truck?

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