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First, I hate Bramblestar. I just hate him. Although I do like Squirelflight's character. But I don't like the couple. Let's start at the New Prophecy, when they're journeying to search for a new home. Their relationship is really on and off, at one point they're super close, another point they're ignoring each other. That's just the first red flag. At the time Bramblestar was so oblivious to Squirrelflight's feelings is unbelievable. Next, we have Power of Three (I think that's the one) where the kits true parents get revealed. Sure, Squirrelflight lied to him, but if he would've just let her explain instead of shutting her out, things would be a lot easier. If he truly loves Lionblaze, Jayfeather, and Hollyleaf, he would understand she was just trying to protect them. Then in the Last Hope, all is apparently forgiven after Firestar's death when Bramblestar makes Squirrelflight his deputy. He claims she was the most loyal and trustworthy cat for the job yet he never let her explain about the kits. News flash, you aren't the only one with feelings Bramblestar. After that, there's Bramblestar's Storm. Where he deliberately knew Squirrelflight loved him, but continued to make her jealous by flirting with Jessy. Good to know he's still a good for nothing tomato farmer. It even states in the book that he knew about her feelings yet always hung out with Jessy. Then, in a Vision of Shadows, he paid more attention to Sparkpaw/pelt than he did to Alderpaw/heart. Finally, we have Squirrelflight's Hope. Alternate title, Bramblestar bully's Squirrelflight. First off, we hav whim constantly arguing with her about having more kits. Like, dude, you don't even do anything except sit there and be a douche while Squirrel takes care of everything. He just had to shoot down her happiness...again. Next we have him not trusting her enough when she tells him about the Sisters. He's just too eager to abuse a pregnant cat to get food so he can be fat again. God forbid Bramblestar is wrong. The entire book is basically him mentally and verbally abusing poor Squirrelflight who just wanted some kits. Man, if you think about it, Bramblestar is polar opposites with Bumblestripe. Honestly if Ashfur hadn't gone crazy with the whole death to all thing, he would be a far more superior mate. Heck, if Shrewpaw had lived I'd be shipping him and Squirrelflight. Let's be honest, you either love this ship or hate it, there's really not in between.

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