I jUsT. DOnT rEaLlY kNoW hOw tO fEeL aBoUt ThIs. If Spottedleaf had lasted longer, and they had more interactions, I might view it differently. But not in this case. However a lot of people rant about the "aGe gAp", I don't really see it as an issue. Nobody cares when it was Pinestar and Leopardfoot, or Thornclaw and Blossomfall. Cats "lOvE" works differently. Age isn't really a huge factor as it is for people. As I've said before (iDk WaT bOoK sO mEh) Spottedleaf grew up not knowing, well, making moves on minors is wrong. After all, every moment of her life was spent being wAtChEd by Thistleclaw, and as soon as she was an apprentice, the senior warrior made moves on her. This is much more concerning than Spottedleaf lOoKiNg aT fIrEpAw. She knew it couldn't happen, so she didn't actually make any moves on him. From a young age, nobody informed her Thistleclaw's actions were wrong. She thought it was okay to be a senior warrior and love an apprentice. She didn't know any better. Spottedleaf is one of those characters that gets a bunch of unnecessary hate. Like, why do so many people hate her? I mean, yea her whole lOvElY sCeNt is overrated but at least she doesn't have tHe BlAzInG sTaR iN hEr EyEs (Starflower reference). Another major factor for her haters is "sHeS a StAlKeR!!" uM. SuRe? She visited Firestar's dreams a lot..but here's my thing. Silverstream visits Graystripe's dreams while he's happy with Millie. What's wrong with watching over a cat you care about? Thrushpelt always watched over Bluestar, and it's not because he has uNcOntRoLlAbLe lOvE, iTs aN oBeSsIoN!! It's just genuine caring about someone. Spottedleaf wanted to protect Fire and his family, what's wrong with that? She never made any moves so I don't see the issue. Really it's a factor of "wHaT iF". And for some reason, people went off on her when she saved Sandstorm and died a second time...? "ThE eRiNs WaNtEd tO gIvE hEr AtTeNtIoN." Cuse' me but, hOw DoEs ThAt MaKe SeNsE. First peeps are begging for Spotted to "bE gOtTeN rId oF" but the moment she is, it's for AtTeNtIoN.