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It's not bad. It's hard for me to respect this when I resent Sharpclaw. In SkyClans Destiny, Cherrytail is super childish and Sharpclaw is a jerk. He can't respect Leafstar's decisions and makes them for her. He's obviously still pouting after Firestar didn't choose him to be leader. It's kinda cool how they went from mentor and apprentice but weird at the same time. After they have kits, he wasn't really present for most of their lives. And when he was he really wasn't a great dad. Especially during Hawkwing's Journey, he completely ignores Hawkwing until it's time to lecture his son about his own opinions. He openly questions Leafstar about her choices and just isn't a great deputy in the first place. The only reason I like this a little is bc without them Hawkwing wouldn't be alive and without him we wouldn't have Violetshine and TwigBrAnCh.

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