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Much like other ships I've reviewed, I don't understand this one. While I do agree Dovewing and Tigerheart/star are very annoying together, I still wouldn't go ahead and push the dOvEsTrIpE ship. As we all know, Bumble constantly pressures her- not only to be mates but for c h i l d r e n. Which is completely inappropriate and unacceptable. Honestly it's kinda odd how the Erins made it seem like she should accept that. That Dove should fall into peer pressure. I mean yes, it's for plot purpose, but to have other cats keep saying "dAtE hIm. hE jUsT lOvEs YoU, wHy bE sO mEaN."  Like, how in any world is this okay? Even her own family persuaded her to be mates with an obsessed cat. Although I greatly despise Dovewing, I don't find that she deserved to be constantly seen as "thE cAt WhO wIlL be wIth BuMbLeStRiPe." It's unfair that so many cats saw how uncomfortable he made her yet continued to pressure her into something she didn't want.

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