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This ship is pretty cute for background characters, I really like how Dustpelt wanted to be her mentor after Darkstripe left even tho he already had Ashpaw. He cared for her, I think it was healthy for him to find someone who loves him dearly after getting rejected by Sandstorm. A lot of the fandom makes fun of them for being baby machine producers, which in a way is true. However, in almost every litter they lose a kit, they lost Shrewpaw, Spiderleg, Hollykit, Larchkit, Icecloud, Foxleap. They freaking lost every child except Birchfall. Personally, I really like Ferncloud in the Last Hope. She did so much to protect Brightheart and her kits. (After reading an article...) she threw brambles over them to cover them, then died at the claws of Brokenstar. You have to give it to her, she wasn't killed by a background character, she went down fighting one of the most well known cats.

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