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Any CrowxFeather people out there, nows your chance to skip to the next ship. LeafxCrow is for more supreme and no one can change my mind. I see Crowfeather and Feathertail more as a childhood crush type of thing, they really never developed their relationship. However, over time time the fandom gets to see more effort and development from Leafpool and Crowfeather. They really had time to realize their feelings for one another. It just adds more when Crowfeather loved her enough to let her go back to her clan. A lot of people hate on Crowfeather because he "neglected" Breezepelt. The way I see it, Breezepelt was just a disobedient son in the first place. Maybe he didn't feel loved only when he discovered the truth about Lionblaze, Jayfeather, and Hollyleaf. To the haters, did you ever stop to think that maybe Crowfeather just didn't know how to be a father? He was probably under a lot of stress dealing with getting over the love of his life, Leafpool. Then having to prove his loyalty. And you'll probably argue, there was that ONE scene where Crowfeather praised Lionblaze for a catch and not Breezepelt. Maybe Crowfeather was just trying to make it up to Lionblaze for hiding the truth. Maybe he was just trying to get to know his son. Sure you might argue "then he should get to know Breezepelt". He most likely knew that Breezepelt didn't wanna talk to him so he just let him be. See it this way, Breezepelt is a moody teen. I sure wouldn't wanna annoy Breezepelt during his moody years. Back to the actual ship, I swear if the Erins make Crowfeather be with Feathertail in StarClan Ima have some serious issues-

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