Frostpaw - A Starless Clan

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This isn't a ship rant or really even a rant, more of something that kind of confuses me lol.

So Frostpaw is Mothwing's new apprentice after Willowshine died, like I was kind of expecting more of the typical mentor-apprentice relationship thing with the two when I first started reading. Now my memory is hazy and all but like I'm pretty sure Mothwing wasn't nearly as close with Frostpaw as she was with Willowshine. Which I actually kind of like because it's like no one has talked about how Mothwing just lost her best friend and former apprentice, I would be feeling pretty distant from everyone else too if it were me. However I would've liked if the Erin's dived more into the idea that she does care deeply about Frostpaw but is just afraid to lose her like she has everyone else, but as far as I've read that hasn't really but indicated.

Also kinda think Curlfeather's death was a tad random, it would've made a better plot development and maybe even character development for Frostpaw if Curlfeather didn't die, but was actually rejected by StarClan. I know Frostpaw was sent a "mEsSagE" or viSiOn or whatever from StarClan but she could've interpreted it wrong or maybe it was a warning instead. Cause like when has StarClan ever been so straightforward lol.

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