Jagged PeakxHolly

144 2 13

It's not bad, although I do have some issues. Holly was a little...um pushy? Protective? She seemed to always be forcing him to do what she wanted, or, "nO yOu cAnT dO tHaT, yOuR lEg!!" Like I get shes trying to keep him safe, but I think Jagged Peak has proved he can take care of himself. After they became mates, Jagged also became stuck up and bossy. He became an annoying crusty noodle. I loved Jagged Peak when the arc began, but as soon as Holly came into the picture, he became very annoying. As I said, Holly didn't let him do certain things, yet at the same time, she encouraged him too? I suppose I was getting mixed feelings about her. First she's saying he can't go searching for kits or whatever then she's letting him bRaVelY run across the road?? I suppose it's a good relationship, not toxic or anything. JuSt AnNoYiNG. (At least to me xD)

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