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One of my favorite ships. Before I dive into this, can we all agree Twigbranch got screwed with her warrior name. Her name is adorable!!! Like Twigpaw!!! Then Bramble had to say tWiGbRaNcH bC uH sHe GrEw FrOm A tWiG tO a BrAnCh. WOW GOOD JOB. Mk now the ship. We first see it develop when Finleap's tail gets stuck under a falling branch. Twigbranch was panicking and worried for him, blah blah blah. Sandynose despised Twigbranch from the start, nobody asked you dumb sandynose get outtttt. It's adorable how Finleap leaves his clan to be with Twigbranch, their love is so cute and I just cannnnnntttttt. I do want them to have kits one day, and I want them to be very adorable like Twigkit and Finkit. Awww like Bubblekit. Mk now I'm just losing it. Back to le ship. I love how Finleap doesn't nag her for kits like Bumblestripe, instead he's only asked once or twice and has left it there, respecting her. I wish Twigbranch wasn't so stubborn, and would be less rough. But I still adore this ship sooo much.

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