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Well it's been awhile since I've read Dawn of the Clans so bear 🐻 with me. From what I remember, they travel with the rest of the tribe group to find a new home (obvi). However I do remember rly liking them....annnnd of course the Erins had to kill off such a sweet cat. Soon before her death, Brightstream tells Clearsky she's expecting his kits. But of course, that got whisked away-literally-when she was carried off by a hawk/eagle. AnD sHe WaS nEvEr HeArD fRoM aGaIn :0 mYsTeRiOuS. Honestly it's hard for me to decide how to feel about this since we didn't see much of them. If she hadn't died, I believe she would've helped to stop Clearsky's border freak time. She definitely would've helped him to be a better cat.

P. S. I'm gonna have a lot of updates for this coming in. Thank shredpebble-_- hehe

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