
132 4 12

There's honestly not much to say about this ship. They're both good cats, I do like Frostfur. Honestly their kits are all boring except for Brightheart. We have Brackenfur, the obvious cardboard character. Thornclaw, the guy who only patrols and does nothing else. Annnnd Cinderheart, whO wAs SuCh aN AmAzInG, tHrIlLiNg cAt tHaT sHe wAs ReBIrThEd. Lionheart wasn't that great either, all the Erins had to say about him was hIs LoYaLtY tO tHe ClAn. Even his life he gifted to Firestar was stale, I gIvE yOu A lIfE oF cOuRaGe, LiKe EvErY cAt BeFoRe mE. When was there any loving moment spent between the two anyways? Like I had to go to warriors wiki to see if they were mates. Despite her boring family, Frostfur is a well written character.

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