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It's a very interesting couple. In Dawn of The Clans Half Moon tells Gray Wing she knew love once, and once was enough. She really loves Jayfeather/Jays Wing, and was never willing to forget him.  Jayfeather has to tell her they can't be together, then appoints her the first Stoneteller. After he makes her Stoneteller, he says goodbye before leaving forever. I honestly don't think they will be together after Jayfeather passes. I mean, he's obviously gonna live for a long time. And when he dies, there will be no one left to remember Half Moon. She's already fading, so when Jayfeather does die, she will most likely fade. It fits Jayfeather's personality better, he doesn't seem like the type of cat to ever have a mate, even in StarClan. I like the ship, I just feel like he's better off without a lover. However, when he was in the tribe it was a cute side thing.

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