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No thank ya. I don't understand why some people enjoy this ship. Appledusk clearly never loved her, literally during their relationship he was with Reedshine or whatever her name was. But on the Mapleshade note, I also don't understand why people hate her so much. "ShE hAd nO rEaSoN tO kIlL tHeM!!" Yea I mean, kinda, but also no. In the first place, the medicine cat (forgot his name Bc he's so unimportant)  should not have reacted that way. Mapleshade never explicitly said Birchface was her mate. Frecklewish was just determined to believe it because she was still grieving for her brother. To be fair she didn't deny it either. Ravenwing shouldn't have called Mapleshade out. He was supposed to be a kind, caring medicine cat who helps his clan mates. Instead he takes the opportunity to shun out Mapleshade. Frecklewish shouldn't have verbally attacked Mapleshade, saying she disowned her brothers name when she was actually the one to do so herself. Didn't the warrior code state that all kits-no matter who the belong too- should be cared for and protected? Oakstar shouldn't have banished Mapleshade, she was forced to bring her kits Bc no one else was willing to take them. It's not like the first time a forbidden love occurred. Yes, Mapleshade led her kits across a raging River. What else was she supposed to do? She was threatened to get off the territory. It wouldn't been a shocking experience for her, she was most likely traumatized with shock at what happened. The way I see it, the cats she killed deserved to die. Ravenwing should've cared for his clan mate, not expose her. He shouldn't have offered she be banished. Frecklewish shouldn't have stood by watching Mapleshade's kits suffer. I know there's not much she could've done, but she could've at least come forth and comforted her. She was paralyzed with grief from the death of her brother. She was the one who automatically assume Birchface was the father without giving Mapleshade the chance to deny it. Appledusk...well it's Appledusk. If he didn't love Mapleshade anymore, he should've said something. He deliberately lied throughout their relationship. He was playing two cats at once. By the time Mapleshade found out about his RiverClan mate, she was heavy with kits. It's obvious Appledusk had been with Mapleshade while seeing this other cat. He allowed RiverClan to deny Mapleshade saying "I never loved her" he honestly deserved to die. He should've gone to the dark forest for being so manipulative. By the time Mapleshade died, she was so full of spite, grief, and anger over her kits she allowed herself to get pulled to the Dark Forest. She didn't have any choice anyways. It's most likely the cats who were already in the Place of No Stars filled her with hate, telling her cruel lies. Turning her into the monster we know today. The way I see it, the world wronged Mapleshade, not the other way around. The Erins made it out for her to be the villain when in reality she's the victim. Every single cat she killed deserved to die. Or, well, in a way. I suppose Frecklewish didn't deserve it that much, it's possible I just hate her so much xd. Incase you didn't get the point, it's a highly unhealthy relationship.

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