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They honestly would've been better than Moon and Stormtail, who treated her like ✨ crap ✨  
I mean I could see how Sunstar and Moonflower had a sibling relationship, but I personally see it more as a poTeNtiAl RoMaNcE. (Am I the only one who despises Stormtail- I mean he literally flirted with dappletail during his wife's funeral~) Sunstar was literally more of a father to Snowfur and Bluefur than Stormtail ever was. He actually seemed fAzeD during her death unlike sToRmTaIl who was probably celebrating that he wouldn't have to get a divorce. (Lucky him now he can go frOlIc with dappletail (xd)) There could've been a nice sOrTa background relationship between them that's actually full of cOmPaSsIon. Although it could be like tHeY cOuLdnT be together like the sUn and the MoOn. Forbidden lOvE or maybe that's just me trying to make it deeper and more poetic than it actually is.

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