So these two cats are Tallstar's parents for those who don't know. They aren't exactly two of my favorite cats. Personally I don't ship it because Sandgorse was such a rough cat. When Finchkit died he showed no sympathy for Palebird when she was having a hard time. For a long time Palebird was grieving and it didn't help with Sandgorse's neglection. Overall they just weren't a very compatible couple. It's obvious that after Sandgorse died, and Palebird became mates with Woollytail, she was much happier. What annoys me is that Sandgorse was very strict and tough with Talltail, forcing him to be a Tunneler. Palebird just ignored Talltail, after Finchkit's death she just really didn't care about him. I understand it's hard but a lot of Queens have lost kits before but she still had Talltail to take care of. Instead she spent all her life in the nursery claiming it was just to hard. Gee crazy idea, but maybe your clan mates would comfort you and getting exercise would be good for you.