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Sparkpelt admits to Alderheart that being with Larksong makes her happy, which is absolutely adorable. They are so close and genuine. In Squirrelflight's Hope, Sparkpelt tells her parents she's expecting kits, and Larksong promises to be the best father he can be. I really wish Larksong had survived, he would've been an amazing father and a great character. It would've been interesting to see how he would cope with Sparkpelt getting sent into a trap at the abandoned Two-leg den by Brambles imposter. Then get excited by him. However, instead he developed an illness. Later Sparkpelt starts kitting, although one kit is stillborn, meaning it was born dead. Larksong dies huddling next to this kit, whom he names Flickerkit in StarClan. Sparkpelt's love for him is so strong she's sent into a stage of depression by his loss. She neglects her surviving kits due to her increasing depression, and stays this way until Squirrelflight sees Larksong and Flickerkit happily living in StarClan. Larksong tells Squirrelflight to tell Sparkpelt that he still loves her, and she needs to care for Flamekit and Finchkit. It's a great couple, although Larksong's death is very sad.

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