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I don't like this ship. It was very rushed and had no development. Basically Graystripe flirted with a pretty cat and all of a sudden there's children. Not to mention it ruined Graystripe and Firestar's friendship for a long time. Plus, Graystripe was like never there to train Brackenpaw. Yet in the books Brackenfur/paw says Graystripe was the best mentor he could've wished for. Like what? He was never there. I like him much better when he was an apprentice. After he become a warrior he just got crappy. I never really liked Silverstream either. Shes described like Spottedleaf, a pretty cat. That's all she ever was in the books. Pretty. I don't really like their kits either. The only reason I like Silverstream at all  is because she's the daughter of Willowbreeze.

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