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I don't know much about them, although I do know that this is the parents of Graypool (omg it autocorrected to Graypoop-) and Willowbreeze. Fallowtail is RiverClan and Reedfeather is WindClan. Reedfeather never accepted the fact that Fallowtail wanted the kits to be raised in RiverClan, he wanted them to himself. Reedfeather eventually took them to WindClan. However Fallowtail was so grief-stricken Hailstar stole them back. Although Fallowtail still loved Reedfeather, it was obvious after she requested her kits to be named "breeze" and "pool" so they resemble their heritage. If she was ashamed she probably wouldn't want that constant reminder. Deep down I think Reedfeather still loves her, but he was to selfish and eager to take his kits. Personally I don't ship it, the only reason I remotely think it's acceptable is bc they had my precious WILLOWBREEZE MWUAHAHAHAHAHAH

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