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uM nO tHaNk YeW. First of all, a lot of people say "he wasnt so bad before the fire scene." I mean yea, I guess, he wasn't horrible. But really all along it wasn't "trUe LoVe" he didn't genuinely "love" Squilf. It was an obsession. He saw something he wanted, so he claimed it. From day one it was always a competition between Ashfur and Bramblestar. Another main reason Ashfur still desperately drives for Squirrels attention could possibly be he doesn't want Bramblestar to win. And honestly, Squilf isn't such a victim in this "relationship" either. She did play with Ashfur's...well...obsession. Per usual she was childish, fought with Bramble, and ran off to someone else to make him jealous. This happened to be Ashfur. She spent day and night with him, and oH tHeIr lOvE. But as soon as Bramble sucked up the nerve to apologize, she forgot all about her buddy-buddy thing with Ash. Nonetheless it doesn't make it right for Ashfur to threaten her family. And now literally the very existence of the clans. Overall, incase anyone missed this, I sInK bC iTs ToXiC tHaNk yEw.

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