Ashfur - A Villain Disappointment

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While this isn't a ship rant, I feel like this needs to be discussed. aHeM

Ashfur was not an intriguing or good villain.

The amount of posts on Instagram and Wattpad I've seen about how Ashfur was so eViL and CoRruPt is honestly aggravating. I'm going to say it once people, he wasn't evil, he was possessive.

If I'm being quite honest, reading about him in A Broken Code made me uncomfortable. His character was tossed together in a last minute plan and the Erin's just decided yEp tHaTs gOoD eNouGh.

Ashfur was predictable, and had no motives other than his "undying love" for Squirrelflight. At this point, everyone knows it was obsession, not love, that fueled his "villain arc". As I was reading the first couple books it became blatantly obvious Ashfur was the villain. I was hoping for a twist, or someone, literally anyone other than boring Ashfur.

And what were his motives? Squirrelflight. His never ending needs to be in the presence of Squilf is concerning, quite frankly disgusting.

I do not want to drag myself through the pages containing gibberish the Erin's sloppily pasted together. I do not need to read as the one dimensional characters repeat over and over about how Ashfur nEeDs his precious almost girlfriend.

You may be wondering, "why do you still read warriors then?" Because the plot is good, but the writing isn't. Don't get me wrong, the Erin's have come far and that's impressive. But it's like they forget what they are doing.

Are Dovewings eyes blue or green?  Is Heavysteap just immortal or has he actually died? And for crying out loud, have they forgotten Mistystar has been alive since before the first series?


Kinda got sidetracked there- lol. But all in all Ashfur sucks and I never want to hear his name again.

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