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(Mitch's uncle's mansion at his private estate in East legon )


Beep! beep! beep! I forcefully lift my eyelids, its so difficult yet still i look up its 3:30 am, I groan as my damned alarm clock woke me from my amazing sleep . I hit the snooze button and lay down for a while . Usually I start my mornings almost immediately but its raining and its just so amazing to lie in the cool sheets of my king sized bed.  The harmattan is slowly being replaced by the rainy season which is weird cause it just began. The cool from the rain isn't like the cool of the harmattan, its pleasant and refreshing not numbing and depressing.

I clumsily stumble half asleep out of my bed . Sleep, oh how I love sleep. Everything has been hectic. Serena, how I miss her, I see her everyday but I can't spend time with her and its killing me!

This whole community service thing, I'm doing it for her, cause I  don't want to be separated from her . I wake up at dawn,  work out on the estate, jogging, push ups, sit ups the works and when it rains I work out in our indoor gym, lifting weights, punching a punching bag etc . I'm not exactly a body builder but I like to be in shape, you know healthy body and all . I don't eat right so I have to work the extra calories out of my system . Then at around 6:30 I read a bit, all play and no work makes Jack a dumb boy , i may not be called Jack but I definitely don't want to be called dumb . Have my bath, get dressed, eat, the usual . Then around 8:15, Serena should be up and about by now, I text her and lately I've started calling to make up for my absence . To reassure her and calm her, I haven't told her about the community service. I don't want to bother her, so she must be going crazy thinking I'm cheating or something so I call to remind her that she's the only one that catches my eye and probably the only one that ever will .

Then around 9:00 I head to school. School starts at 9:15, imma be late though cause I live in East Legon and the school is all the way in Tema but I really don't care . I stop at KFC to grab lunch for Sere, she loves their chicken popcorn, another means of pacifying her . I get to school around 10:30 cause the traffic on spintex road is hazardous. I mean even on motorbike its that bad!  Then head to classes . That pretty much sums up my day, you know except for the community service I have with the gang until 10:15 . At least I'm not alone, I would've gone mad by now . I get home around 11 and the whole cycle begins . Its exhausting! Serena, my princess the things I do for you .

I just don't want military school, its just so strict and disciplined. I can't handle that kind of pressure. With my uncle being Admiral and all it would have been like 10x worse. His military friends would always be on my case . It would have simply been complete and absolute hell plus the military is just not my calling . The guys and I spend hours weeding around the community. Yes!  The community and on the weekends we plant more ornamental plants and cater to the vegetation . We sweep and pick the litter around. We work from 5-10 . Surprisingly after my uncle Carlisle spoke to their parents and guardians they agreed to this community service arrangement,  Its complete and total hell! . I return with back aches from bending and squatting to plant the ornamental plants home and well have dinner alone, chat with the girls that is Selma, Felicia and Anne the rest aren't that comfortable around me .

They tell me that the guards keep on hitting on them and that apparently their real catches among the youth in the area . Felicia claims to be in a relationship with one of my friends, Shem but I know he's just using her . All the guys in my gang belong to aristocratic and influential  families who just want to rebel against the stereotypical smart, polite, orators, the future of this country their suppose to be. How is he or any of them to gain their  fathers' favour by marrying or having anything to do with the teenage daughters of scullery maids. I just don't know how to break it to her though, this is no fairytale . She's not gonna end up happily married to him like she thinks she will plus its none of my business if you really think about it .

FSA journals:  Trapped in her own gameWhere stories live. Discover now