A strange Proposal

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Mitch (POV)

Cling! The bell goes and students start shuffling out of history class by the score . Which is weird because as of about two minutes ago half, if not the whole class was in the lala land.

Myself included . My eyes by reflex wonder off to her seat . Serena's seat . I won't call it a crush or whatever but I think I might actually have some, how do I put it? Reaction, yes reaction not feelings towards her.

Pushing my desk, I stand up, stuff whatever is needed in my bag and walk out . Walking in the hallway, girls openly drool and do nothing to hide their too evident feelings toward me . I don't know how I developed the whole Casanova image, I haven't dated a single girl since I arrived here three months ago .


I open my eyes briefly then close them again. I need to sleep but the sleep isn't coming. I've tried everything, going as far as to count sheep . I turn sideways,toward the edge of my bed and will myself off of it . Everything is beginning to affect me . I've been thinking about my life lately and I've come to the conclusion that my life sucks!

My life has always seemed planned, my parents were strict and domineering since I could remember.

My hair had to be cut a certain way, my friends from a certain class, my grades above average . I hated it, I get that I'm their only son, their only child but never did they take a minute to ask how I was feeling, I know I'm a guy and all but we have feelings you know .

I'm tired of it all, the routine life style I live is starting to choke me .

Walking toward my closet, I grab some clothes and sneak downstairs in a stealthy manner . Or at least I tried to, my banging my bedroom door shut loudly and the three vases I broke would beg to differ . Not my fault, the corridor is dark.

I didn't care to bathe or even brush my teeth. Reaching the kitchen, I pick the garage key out of the key case hanging by the kitchen cabinets. Walking out, the sun is barely up, and its cold . I instantly regret not grabbing my jacket . I walk until the garage was in sight .

Upon reaching the garage, I unlock the lock and grab a motorcycle I had bought and smuggled home. If my parents knew of its existence only God knows what they'll do to me .

Hopping on, I rode to an alley facing the east . While lost in my own world, watching the rising sun, a huge cat jumps on me and begins to claw at my face .

Its owner came soon after, running she eased a bit upon finding him or her . From my peripheral vision I can see her coming toward me. Her look was unique . like a rogue, I'm ashamed to admit it, but I felt a tad bit intimidated, don't get me wrong she was seriously attractive with a kind of punkish style to her.

What am I saying ? she was beautiful. She stood there for a while observing while that demon tortured me . She looked amused. Was she enjoying this? Shaking her head, she removed her hands from her hips and reached forward for her devil version of a tabby cat .

"Perry no! We don't do that " she said while yanking the cat off my face. She gave me a wicked smile . One a cat gives to a mouse before it attacks.

Her eyes ran up and down my form in a scrutinizing manner. While petting the cat in her arms she said "Hi, I've never seen you before I don't think you're from around here your clothes are expensive"

"err thanks?" I said while scratching the back of my neck nervously. If she wasn't as attractive as she is, I would have sued both her and her cat for damages to my face . she must have noticed cause she licked her dry lips, exposing a piercing or two and replied.

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