Rage + Serena = trouble

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Serena (POV)

Weeks have gone by and I still haven't been able to think of anything, I've just kept everything bottled up inside .

I've never felt so confused, angry, hurt, tortured all at once its really beginning to affect me . I can't sleep, I can't eat, I cant do anything right it makes me feel sick that they could actually be seeing each other behind my back .

I know he told me how he feels that rules that possibility out .

But my mind won't give me a moments peace, I sit down and all I can think about is them and numerous painful scenes of them kissing and holding hands, it hurts .

I've never been so hurt all my life, its even beginning to affect my appearance, I get eye bags more often and hair is beginning to fall out, oh the horror !

The last straw was when I snapped at my innocent little sister, Isabel . I heard her cry and it all sank in how much its all affecting my life . At school I barely paid attention to Addie, I'd ignore her , I wouldn't pick her phone calls I stayed away from her with the excuse that I wasn't up to it or I wasn't feeling well .

Now D, I wouldn't leave for a single second, I stayed close to him and made sure he stay away from Addie, they practically stopped seeing each other, thank God, but it still wasn't enough .

He had to at least feel some sort of pain at least a little of what I was going through. I grabbed a novel to while away some time, these mid terms are getting extremely boring and there's nothing good on TV or social media .

D and his family had gone abroad on vacation to a remote island so there was absolutely no means of contacting him . After a few pages, I had an idea .

Make him jealous. Its so cliché I know but there's nothing else that comes to mind, then again you know that annoying, little voice in your head, yeah well mine is like

Let it go, just erase Addie from his heart and forget all this shit ever happened!

Hehe you see now that's funny, I'm not Elsa from freaking frozen, there's NO way I'm letting this go . NO he has to PAY . But where the hell am I going to find someone who is attractive and hates D's guts enough to aid me in this sick idea .

Three days later mid terms ended and we went back to school . After first period physics I felt my brain had gone into hibernation mode it was sooooo boring, its as though all the science teachers had connived to make us nap while they taught to make us fail our finals as revenge for the jokes the boys made about them not having any hair .

You have no idea how their bald heads distracted us during classes especially when the Sun's rays hit it and the way it lit up, it was sooooo hilarious .

The walk to the cafeteria seemed never ending and my tummy was rumbling louder than usual this all vegetarian diet makes me feel so hungry .

I felt a slight nudge, I turned and saw Mitchel Rivers . The school's extravagant bad boy, rebel, heart throb need i go on? He winked at me, and I remembered that a while back he had a fight with Drake cause he tried to bully me and it irked him for some strange reason, did he expect him to just watch him bully me? Weird, that's what he is just plain weird .

D and Mitch have had a strange feud since , I think its cause he was the only one who could stand up to him . Oh you should have seen the bout, those moments always made me feel special, I felt protected and loved now I feel vulnerable and tortured what a transition .

Anyway back to Mitch , He was perfect but he was mischievous, and he loved taking risks, he even frightened me . I still don't get why a guy as wealthy as him lives the way he does . Mitch played a prank on a teacher that gave him an F on his history test while he felt he deserved a C, as revenge he did something awful to him that landed him four weeks in the ICU up till date no one knows exactly what he did to him . The mystery and intrigue surrounding it all made him more feared, popular and strangely revered . Would u believe he has a gang and a fan club made up entirely of freshman girls and some seniors? They worship him as though he were a deity .

I don't blame them he has a sort of devilish, yet gorgeous appearance . He was 6'3, yes I know he was that tall, he was buff but not the type that made you want to puke, It just made him intimidating. He had these dark brown orbs, they reminded me of coffee, encased by these long, thick lashes . I always felt self conscious when he looked at me. A similar skin tone to D's . Milk chocolate, his was sorta like Dairy milk chocolate while D's was like Golden tree milk chocolate , so he was of a slightly lighter shade .

He also had fascinating, lean, long, legs and he had a killer fashion sense he was mesmerising, I know a girl with a boyfriend scrutinizing every inch of another guy, its just sooo wrong but he's so handsome!, I mean I'm only human can you blame me? He always had the latest shoes, bags, sunglasses, belts all designer . Latest cars and tech it was crazy, boy did he love the good life .

He also had a tattoo of a rose with thorns on his left arm just above his elbow,on his bicep to be precise, it was beautiful and the word ROGUE on his neck written in cursive hand . It was little so you had to be really close to see it. It was just above his nape and his hair cuts .

No wonder he had a huge fan base he was like a mini Justin Bieber only less tacky and attention seeking, in fact he seemed like he didn't even like the attention he received at all, which was kinda strange, I mean what teenage guy wouldn't love the idea of having his own fan club? Anyway that's how attractive and influential he is . How am I gonna pretend to date him when he

1) freaks me out cause he's such a rebel

2)Makes me drool, all the better to make D green with envy

3) Annoys the hell out of D, oh yeah all the better to annoy the hell out him, I proceed to laugh menacingly like a deranged evil scientist "muahahahahaha"

Even though he was incredibly attractive, we've already established that, would he even agree? I don't care I'll do ANYTHING to get his help...

Author's Note

Second chapter done, I'd appreciate comments, votes and a helping hand in spreading the word.

Thank you <3

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