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Serena (POV)

I ran out of my home nearly tripping on my feet toward the garage, I got in my car and drove to Julie's. I spent the night there, my dad kept calling my friends to ask of my whereabouts to which they knew nothing of except Julie whose parents absence from home enabled her keep my secret without fail . My mind was so foggy with rage, why would my father do this,  Yes I'm a bit of a wild child but he knew that, he was always tolerant of my mild insanity . I honestly can't believe how bad our relationship has become there was a time when I was close to my Dad . I was a regular bratty Daddy's little girl but I just don't know how or when things begun to sour between us .  I cried all throughout the night what am I going to do? I can't start my life all over again I'm freaking 17, I don't want to have to make new friends plus I love Ghana and I love Mitch . I don't want to leave and I'm not going to leave . He CANT make me leave . The next morning I bade Julie farewell and drove back home. I parked the car at the mansion's entrance. I got out and entered my home through the back door ,i did my morning routine and had breakfast with my family in absolute silence. My Dad announced my imminent forced migration to the United kingdom   to my family . My mum tried pleading on my behalf yet her efforts were futile.

I was so annoyed I kept giving them cheeky answers to all their questions, its infuriating him to the max . OK I admit it I'm seriously enjoying this .

After about 5 minutes it was dead silent. I kept on wracking my brain on ways or sudden 'accidents' that would prevent my leaving. Then it hit me,

"Dad, I've decided to go the UK"

"I'm happy that you have finally seen the light, when shall I schedule your flight? "

"Three months from now, I want to say good bye to all my friends properly, if u don't mind "

the submission in my voice clearly shocking him and irritating me at the same time. I hate being good, obedient,respectful toward my parents, they've ignored my existence for so long, I don't think they deserve me being on my best behavior. I mean if they did they'd actually take time out of their busy schedules to… I don't know, maybe call or a text. I was hurt at first but I got over it after they missed my 12th birthday party and other important events in my life, like when I won a math quiz . One I studied extremely hard for by the way . But then again, I had a lot of liberty, things most teens would kill for, right? 

"Thanks" I said simply already tired of the falsehood that was my family. 

After breakfast, I texted the girls

'Guys pretty please meet me at the junction mall in twenty'I sent,

"I'll be there " Joan replied,

" ditto" Joanne followed,

"alrighty " Julie continued,

" sure" Quin said and soon after the others confirmed.

I drove still thinking of ways to prevent my departure, I groaned out of frustration, nothing coming to mind . I closed my eyes and tilted my head up for a second. Then all of a sudden I heard a loud boom, I looked up abruptly nearly running into the collision of vehicles, I nearly died! My heart was still pounding in fright

pum pum pum

I nearly had another anxiety attack, what's going on? I quickly unbuckled the seatbelt and  stepped out of the car . I gasped in horror as Joanne lay on the ground, thankfully not bleeding with a motorcycle looming dangerously close to her . I cringed at their close proximity .How did she get here? What happened? What's going on? I rushed over to her, Roxy was limping next to her, a bit away from the road but nonetheless in tears and clear pain as it looked like the motorcycle had driven over her toes . I rushed to her as she was conscious unlike Joanne,  Are you alright? "I'm okay, check on Joanne" I checked her, nothing seemed broken or out of place. We can't be sure though I'm not an expert, some kind pedestrians helped me carry Joanne into my car . I took her to a nearby hospital.

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