Haunting Past

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Paz (POV)

I was chilled to the bone when I saw him Mitchel Rivers . I never in a million years ever imagined I could see him again . I felt soo many things,  anger, frustration, happiness, fright and a whole lot of other emotions.

One moment my twin cousins Joan and Joanne Salvatore were introducing me to their friends and the next we were hearing loud noises, rampant cheers and chaos, it sounded like a fight .

We rushed over and there he was, Mitchel, manly as ever exchanging punches with another good looking guy but no where as good looking as him or maybe that's just me . He stood up and  some other guys grabbed him to prevent him from continuing this scuffle and dragged him away .

I don't think he recognised me, he looked different, his eyes were slightly dazed, he was drunk .

Oh Mitchel, I put my face in my palms and started sobbing quietly and later disappeared into the crowd. I wonder if he's still living that life of delinquency for which his parents made him move away from home , I always felt guilty about it, I was innocent!

Yet no matter how much I begged and pleaded he wouldn't believe me . He didn't trust in me nor the love I've shown him all my life  as a friend, companion, girlfriend.

I'd never hurt him like that, this was just a huge misunderstanding.

I was talking to my friend Sheila, she wanted to know the reason I fell for him soo  quickly and I was mentioning all the sweet things he texted me every morning and all the while  nosy Susy, the class gossip  was eavesdropping and I'm sure cause I caught her .

She was the one who told Mitch that load of bull  about me making fun of him. I've always known that grunge was secretly crushing on him . I had no idea what was going on, he was distant but that was no cause for worry right?

He called me up the next day and broke up with me . I tried to explain but it was no use. After that he avoided me and his lifestyle changed completely, I created a monster!   His parents couldn't take it anymore and they shipped him off to his uncle Carlisle in Ghana, hoping some time spent with his strict naval officer uncle and the strict morally oriented Ghanaian society would help straighten him up .

I tried calling him but he wouldn't pick  up  so I wrote him a letter instead. I had to say goodbye to him somehow.  I have to know where they took him, i need to set things straight and maybe… just maybe if he still loved me we could get back together again. I asked around and apparently he had a gang, if there's anyone who knew where he might be its his friends, I concluded.

I found a freshman and asked him to show me where they were . For a fee of course. I found  them in the school yard  and they introduced themselves, Terror, Dodge, khamsin, Phil, Carlsin and Erk the others were trying to get Mitchel who they referred to as Mitch out of trouble with the school's principal.

The one called Terror couldn't keep his eyes off me, I could read the lust in his eyes, Dodge tried to play hanky pancky with me and I slapped him silly .

I asked Phil who seemed to be the only one interested to help, where Mitch was. He told me and I rushed to the principal's  office and waited anxiously in his waiting room .

After twenty minutes, two  police officers arrived and asked me to pinpoint the direction of the principal's office, I did said and later I heard them state Mitchel's full name Mitchel Syre Rivers and soon after they came out with Mitchel handcuffed.

I panicked and followed them to the police station. In the waiting room many questions ran through my mind, is he still single? does he still love me? Do we still have a future? I had to know .

After a few hours a petit but friendly looking  officer called me and said

"Mam you can go in now"


Well here goes nothing. I walked into a dark room with barely any light,  I could hardly see and there he was . Tall, handsome, brown eyes, light mustache. He was exactly how i remembered him . He towered over me. He  looked so disappointed, I'm not the one he was expecting I'm sure .

In his soft male husky voice he said

"what do you want? "

Author's note

Vote, vote, vote . if I don't get 100 votes chapter 20 might be the last . Thank you .

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