Second Chances

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Serena (POV)

I drove to school and parked my car in a rush. The whole time deep in thought about what might happen,  when I finally yielded . Will he peg me?  Will he hug me? Will he kiss me or will he just ignore me again, as he's being doing to me the entire month . My mind was still in a haze when I heard a car honk, it was Julie's . She called  

"Hey Sere "

that forced me back into reality. We walked together to first period math. That took me of my worries for sometime . While solving a complex algebraic expression, I felt a something hit my head, I turned and saw a small piece of paper crumpled into a ball right beside my arm . I turned and scanned around the class, and saw Mitch looking at me, I felt a warm tingle deep in my heart . He still thought of me . I opened it and read it.  It said

" Hey pretty,  I've missed you so much, meet me in the garden after second period, ."

I eventually forgot about my equation and began to fantasize. What could he have to say to  me . The bell snapped me out of my fantasy . I dragged Julie out of the class and into the cafeteria . We grabbed a beverage as we had already had breakfast. We took a seat by the window , and i   gave her the low down of what happened during math class, as we sipped a cappuccino . We squealed in glee simultaneously, which attracted weird stares from the others . We giggled again, after waiting for what seemed like an eternity second period was finally over . Julie wished me luck and helped me retouch my makeup . I got there fashionably late thinking I'd sit and relax for a while until he comes,  but to my surprise, he got there before me . That gave me hope cause from the beginning of our relaysh, I always sat to wait . It was refreshing to finally have him wait for a change . I walked up to him at my own pace and sat by him . There was dead silence for a while until he cleared the air, He explained how much my actions affected him,  he was disappointed cause he thought he could trust me . I was relieved when he said he was partly to blame since he allowed me to go alone . I was slightly offended though,  am I handicapped to the extent I can't take care of myself or what?  But on the bright side he cared and that's all that mattered .

I admitted I was wrong and asked for forgiveness. While we hugged, I hadn't noticed he had slipped something on my finger till we let go of each other and I noticed a Topaz ring the size of a pebble approximately 38 carats . He must have seen confusion on my face as he continued by saying .   " your my world, and it was disturbing to imagine you with someone else but im gonna try to trust you from now on . "

I could feel butterflies in my tummy, I decided we better close this painful chapter of our relaysh and begin a new. I asked him for a second chance. Weeks flew by like seconds,  things between  Mitch and I had gone from great to A.W.E.S.O.M.E!  . One morning I woke up to the beep of my iPhone . Mitch just sent me my daily text . Thirty minutes later, I was ready for school, Mitch couldn't give me a ride as his uncle seized his motorcycle AGAIN . So I drove myself to school, got to the car park, got out and went looking for the girls .

I saw Quin, Julie, Joan, Kayla, Joanne, Roxy discussing something. As I got close I overheard them saying something about Mitch and Delynne sexting . Now I was furious,  I got closer and asked them if what I had just overhead was true or not. I could see from their faces they were contemplating whether or not they should should tell me . Was it true, was he capable? 

Authors note

I'd just like to thank Kathy for helping me with this chapter . Keep voting and spreading the word . Thanks <3

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