Message from the Author

778 29 6

Hey lovelies thanks for taking a look at my book, its my first one so don't judge , it might seem rushed and predictable at first but it gets waaaaaay better as u go on so forgive any errors . Its based in Ghana, west Africa where I'm from, so the characters are African . They speak Twi and pigen and other Ghanaian languages, don't fret though I translate all the time . Don't close your mind to it, you might like it Its really nice, if I say so myselfgive it a tryI rarely proof read, please just bare with me for now . comment and vote and spread the word . I'm a student so please don't get upset when i don't update early which I almost always doa month tops

OK this is my book, my intellectual, Please report any book that bares any similarity to mine to wattpad . I write for fun and to express myself it wouldn't be fair if you stole my work now would it? Its against the laws of both God and man . Please don't copy it I work really hard on it, its my pride .  If your an author I'm sure you'd feel same, if you really wanna write a book don't steal another person's ideas we're all human what I can do, you can do too,

Thanks again loves

I'm not scary, or mean just trying to protect what's mine .

FSA journals:  Trapped in her own gameWhere stories live. Discover now