Bed of roses , pillows of thorns

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Mitch (POV)

It hurt, I thought I could forget her but I couldn't. She stopped calling, stopped texting, had she given up on me? Was she willing to call it quits? I don't know about her but I'm not ready to loose her, I couldn't take it .

I swallowed my pride and sent her a text the next morning, she didn't reply . She was playing hard to get, why wouldn't she? I've been doing same for a while now . I got out of bed, had my morning jog on the mansion's lawn . My uncle simply wouldn't take chances with me . It didn't bother me though, the area was quite large . The only problem was the constant ogling I received from the teenage daughters of five of our house helps, Anne, Selma, Safia, Hannah and Felicia , especially when I took my shirt off .

Alright I'll admit it, I did that intentionally, you should have seen them, they all flushed what would be red if they were fairer in complexion and I swear I saw drool from Anne's mouth . I laughed my heart out after. I still didn't get it . Teenage girls these days ,a guy with the right physique could have any one of them he pleased . One would think living with these girls posed a constant threat to Serena as they never missed a chance to throw themselves at me . But I could never look at any girl ever again, not since Serena . Alright I'm exaggerating, but you get the point.

I don't think anyone in the world could ever replace her in my life . I got ready for school twenty minutes later . Felicia served me breakfast and Anne got lunch ready . On the bright side, they were great company. Donald, our chauffeur took me to school in one of my uncle's many jeeps .

My uncle seized my motorbike, he was seriously beginning to annoy the hell out of me . So I partied with the boys till daybreak the last weekend, at least I returned home sobber . What did he want? That I become a monk or what? He can't change me, if there's something I pride myself on its being strong willed. And if I stopped breaking the law, it was only for Serena's sake and not as a result of his disciplinary measures . That old man could never break me . No matter how hard he tries I'm never returning to that restricted, sheltered, routine existence.

School went on without a hitch and still not so much as a single glance from Serena, she stayed with her friends and completely ignored my attempts to get in touch with her . I'm not giving up, I'll try again later tonight . The guys and I spent a few hours in the basketball court after school to get in some practice cause yours truly just made the team . Apparently this is the first time the coach has made such an exception right in the middle of the season , he said

" kid you've got talent " lol .

The gang and I went to a new chop bar called "Obaa Yaa" afterwards to celebrate. She had a two for one special offer . We ordered fufu, goat light soup and some minerals . After a hearty meal we relaxed and got debating on the latest EPL highlights of the season . I gave my phone to the guys to show them Dylene Kotey's latest IG post. It was quite revealing I must say, she wore a sports bra with yoga pants or tights if you will . She must have been doing yoga or something .

All the more likes though . I went to the loo to attend nature's call and when I got back, Blaq informed me of an emergency . The guys had to go . No worries but one of them had my phone, I'm sure it'll be returned tomorrow at the latest.

It was almost 11:45 pm, my uncle must be fuming mad right now. Blaq gave me a ride home, I snuck in through the back but unfortunately I got caught.

He seized my iPads, laptops, headphones even my iPod. The next morning, I bribed Donald and used his phone to text Serena . Then deleted the number and the message from his phone's memory . I didn't want my uncle to find about her. Not yet anyway .

At school the following day obranzy returned my phone and told me, he found it at the back of his car, no surprise, he drove the guys yesterday to a friends place, he had a run in with a rival gang in another school, I heard he got beaten up badly . Someone must have left my iPhone there though cause he had no idea how it got there. After second period I met Serena, we spoke on many things mainly about the future of our relationship .

We decide to give each other another chance . Start a new. I gave her a topaz ring, a family heirloom. To show my commitment to the relationship . Time flew by and things just got better and better between Serena and I . About a month later, one Wednesday morning after hanging out with her friends, Serena walked up to me while with the gang in the cafeteria with a horrible scowl .

She called me, I turned around and she just stood there, all teary eyed,

"what happened? "I said no reply

"what's wrong babe? "She just stood there

I hugged her, she pushed me away and SLAPPED me ...

If you didn't understand some of the words I used here is an explanation

Chop bar - a local diner where various local dishes like fufu and light soup are served and priced at very affordable prices in large quantities and served in an earthen wear bowl or asanka.

Waakye - rice cooked with kidney beans and served with tomato stew, gari, spaghetti, boiled eggs, shito with the protein of your choosing

Shito - a black, spicy local sauce served with many dishes

Fufu - pounded boiled yam and plantain served with soup and protein of your choosing .

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