9: Burden

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Kaitlyn POV

Ace didn't speak at dinner. Not that I enjoy small talk, but silence is worse. It's dangerous letting your mind wander down a rabbit hole. Especially when I have a stranger, I want to ask a million questions, but I refrained. I caught him glancing at my scar and knew he wanted to ask, but he didn't.

Ace seemed to relax once Killer left, which I thought was odd. I am a stranger he knows nothing about, yet he stayed.

Why? I am nothing special, and if I wanted to leave I would.

After dinner, I picked my favorite and snuggled into the blankets to stay warm. After the first episode, I gave up on the frozen veggies, seeing as though my hand and toes were icicles. I sat on my hand to warm it back up, ignoring the searing pain. The thought of turning on the heater crossed my mind, but I wasn't about to ask.

"Are you ok?" Ace asked.

I nodded, staring at the tv, hoping he would believe me, but he didn't. Ace moved towards me, pulling the covers over himself. He hesitantly reached out to find my legs, moved them onto his lap, and held them. Trying to warm me. His touch was gentle despite his rough hands, and it gave me anxiety. Deep breaths, Kaitlyn.

Ace's hands moved down my legs to my toes when he yelled, "Fuck! Your toes are ice!" He moved me next to him, with little effort, wrapped another blanket around my legs, and rubbed them for warmth. I stared at the blankets, not answering him.

"Angel, look at me," he gently commanded. Looking up, hazel eyes stared at me with concern. "Why are you still cold? Do you need another blanket?"

His hands didn't leave me as he waited for me to answer. Playing with the blanket, I shrugged. Ace is upset, and the last thing I want is to make him feel worse or ask for more than what he and Killer have done for me.

The front door opened, and Killer walked into the living room; I let out a breath, hoping Ace would let it go.

Killer's face instantly changed as he looked at me. "What the fuck did you do, Ace?! She looks ready to run!" Killer practically yells at him, and suddenly I understood why Killer was his name, and he was about to earn it again right now.

"It's my fault Ace did nothing wrong. We're fine," I calmly stated.

Killer stared at us. "Talk," he demanded, staring at Ace with daggers for eyes.

Ace stiffened once again, and I watched the calm Ace disappear.

"She sat here for the last hour under the covers shivering, and her toes are still icicles. I couldn't stand her suffering any longer, so I moved. I asked her why she was cold, but she panicked," he answered. They both looked at me, and I knew I couldn't get out of this one.

What would they think if I told the truth? I don't want to be a nuisance to them.

"Uh...it's normal," I assured them. Killer and Ace exchanged worried glances. "I've always had poor circulation, and being cold is normal. Especially my knees, ankles, and toes. I'm fine, I promise," I said, trying to assure them.

Killer squatted in front of me and cradled my hands, rubbing small circles on the back, holding my finger on the bruised one.

"This is a lot all at once, but we are family, and we always take care of our own, no matter what. I want to take care of you, but you have to let me in. I didn't mean to upset you. My anger was directed at Ace, who looked as though he stepped beyond your boundaries," Killer explained.

I nodded, giving Killer a small smile. Just like Ace, however, Killer could see right through me. Hiding is difficult when they watch my every move, making thinking difficult. I didn't know what to say, but the truth has worked so far, but it's only a matter of time before it bites me in the ass.

"I don't know what boundaries you're talking about, but Ace didn't cross any. As far as being cold...I... if you haven't noticed, I have a scar down the middle of my chest," I said, removing my sweatshirt.

"I have a heart condition, and due to it, I don't have great circulation, among other issues. That is why I am cold, and I take forever to warm up or cool down if I overheat," I explained.

"Did you think telling me would make you a burden?" Killer asked.

"Kind of. People freak out and overreact. They look at me differently and worry or become overprotective, but I mom didn't raise me to live in a bubble, and I don't let it stop me from living my life. There are things I struggle to do or can't, but I always figure it out," I shrugged. "I'm not weak and I refuse to let people look at me as though I am."

"What are your limitations?" Ace asked, his eyes never leaving me. Even when I took off my sweatshirt.

"Well, injuries take twice as long to heal, so the bruise isn't going away anytime soon. If I go anywhere over 3,00 feet, I wear oxygen and can only travel to specific countries. Um...I get sick when I exercise because I want to keep up with others. So, if I'm running, y'all better be running too," I laughed, trying to lighten the mood and make it seem like I wasn't dying, but it didn't help.

They held their questions back, and Killer looked at me for the first time as a brother. Who wants to fix me and make everything alright.

"You can't fix me, Kyle," I whispered. "I was born with it and have had multiple open-heart surgeries and will probably have to have another. But I choose to live as normal as possible. Other than taking medication every day, and my scars, most people never know, and I prefer it that way."

Kyle's blue eyes softened, and he kissed the top of my head before sitting in the armchair. I sighed, turning the show back on, and tried to concentrate on the episode. Ace, however, didn't. He glanced over every few minutes like clockwork until I turned off the tv and called it a night.

I could tell they wanted to go to bed but wouldn't until I did. They are overprotective, alpha bikers, but I didn't expect to be looked after so intently.

Someone cared. Two someone's, and honestly, I don't know how to feel about it.

Kyle offered his hand, helping me out of my cocoon and leaving the warmth of Ace.

"If you can't sleep again tonight, come get me," Kyle told me. I was about to protest, but he stopped me. "Whoever taught you not to wake them up was wrong, and I am not them."

Ace stood behind Kyle, watching me, debating what to say. "Sleep is important, and I hate waking people up when it's unnecessary. Some people, like me, don't like it when you wake them up."

Kyle's grip on my arm tightened slightly, and I knew I upset him. "Sorry," I mumbled.

"Stop saying you're sorry," he growled. "You did nothing wrong, Kaitlyn. Whoever taught you to hide and apologize for everything is wrong, and I am not that man."

I gave a slight nod and beeline upstairs before the tears that built up spilled over. Closing my door, I let out my breath and tears, wiping them away as they fell.

It's always easier to agree than to start a fight. That much I learned over the years.

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