32: Birthday Surprises

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Kaitlyn POV

Sitting with Sam, overlooking the ocean, was perfect. We talked a little, and when we did, he listened intently, never interrupting, and asking questions because he wanted to know more. I would have sat with him all night in his favorite spot, but it was getting cold, and we needed to go.

Thankfully, we drove past the clubhouse and straight to Kyle's place. I only saw his bike in the driveway and smiled. A quiet night. I love hanging out with everyone, but the last few days were overwhelming, and tonight I wanted to be with the two men who love me unconditionally and matter the most.

Inside, Kyle wasn't downstairs, but the kitchen light was on. Odd. It's still early.

The back door opened, and Kyle walked in, beer in hand, and a smile on his face. He set down the beer and wrapped me in a bear hug.

"Hi, Princess. How was your day?" he asked.

"Perfect," I replied, kissing Kyle's cheek. As president of the club, there isn't much he doesn't know, and I'm sure Ace told him where we were. But he doesn't need to know everything.

Kyle is my brother, but there will always be secrets between us. Ones he will never know. Not if I can help it.

"Come on," he said, "I grilled for us. Figured we could have a family dinner tonight." Sam grabbed my hand as we followed Kyle out back.

As soon as I stepped outside, the backyard flooded with lights, and people yelling "Surprise!" and "Happy Birthday!" all at once. I stumbled back, but Sam stood strong behind me. Hiding in Sam's chest, I waited for my heart rate to slow before pulling away. His hazel eyes danced with fire and a smirk crept over his face.

"You knew! You jerk! How could you let them scare me like that?! What's wrong with you?!" I laughed, hitting his chest.

Those I became close with over the last few months gathered here for me. I stood still, unsure of what to do, but Sam gave me a gentle nudge telling me to enjoy myself. Smiling, I kissed him on the cheek and mingled.

It's perfect. He knew I wanted nothing big or fancy, just to be with people who wanted to be with me.

Whiskey held out a drink for me. "This time Tiger, maybe try to pace yourself," he winked. Taking the drink, I hugged him.

"Thank you for being another big brother to me," I whispered.

No one asked me about my excessive drinking or the kitchen encounter from the other night, which I was thankful for. I thought about telling them, but I wasn't ready yet.

We all gathered around a large family-style table they covered with food. Blade pulled Ginger into his lap, and I felt slightly jealous. They stole kisses between bites and looked at one another as though they were made for one another. Blade treated Ginger like a queen and would do anything for her.

I want that. I want someone to choose me daily and show me they love me.

Glancing at Sam, I silently wished I could be that for him. To be enough and for Sam to choose me. One day I'll tell him everything, but for now, being here with him is enough.

By the end of the meal, everyone was stuffed and thought I was going to explode. Whiskey might be the club cook, but my brother is a master at the grill.

My eyelids felt heavy, and I heard a deep laugh beside me. "I hope you stay awake long enough for dessert and presents, Angel. Can't have you missing out on the best part," Sam whispered.

I blushed as Kyle stood up, getting everyone's attention. "Tiger, we haven't known you long." He paused, looking at me. "But you have changed us for the better. I know you're not big on people or parties, but I wanted you to see how loved you are. This is as much your family as it is mine, and I'm so happy you walked into my bar."

Tears brimmed my eyes as I looked around at everyone nodding in agreement. Everyone welcomed me with open arms into their lives. They didn't have to but did, and I wish I could do the same.

"Now," Kyle boomed, "enough of the emotions and shit. We're here to celebrate, and that's what I intend to do!" Everyone cheered as Kyle handed me a small box.

I wanted to say thank you, but nothing came out. Opening the box, tears flowed as I hugged Kyle.

"Will you help me put it on?" I asked.

He smiled and put on the necklace for me. It was a phoenix with an emerald and opal in its tail, our birthstones. This is Kyle's small way of always being with me. I hugged him and sat back down.

Sam smiled and pulled out his own box. Today was enough of a present, but I smiled and thanked him. Inside was a hoodie, tank top, and a riding jacket stitched with Tiger on the front. I looked between Kyle and Sam, silently asking if this was allowed. Club rules are clear. You wear the vest and patch, or you're out, but Kyle nodded in approval.

"Thank you," I beamed.

"Look at the back Angel," Sam whispered.

Turning it around, I gasped. A "Phoenix Riders Property of ACE" patch was on the back of each item. Sam's hazel eyes bore into me, and I knew he wanted this as much as I did.

When a Rider claims you as their old lady, they are claiming you, and only you, for life. To them, it's the equivalent of a marriage proposal, and when you bear their patch and tattoo, they will do whatever it takes to protect you.

Right here, in front of everyone, Ace is claiming me.

He was choosing me. 

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