27: Undone

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"What?!" I yelled as the pounding on my door persisted.

Looking at the clock, I groaned. 3 a.m., this better be good. A ghostly-looking Killer opened the door, and my stomach dropped.

"We're leaving. Now," he growled and left.

No, no, no. Please... not Angel.

I grabbed my clothes as a new emotion took over. Fear. Something I've never felt before, and got on my bike moments later. Starting my bike, I turned on the radio in the helmet and asked the one question I was terrified to know the answer to.

"Is it Angel?"

"It's not good, brother," Killer responded, sounding scared himself. He had gone through hell and was never scared; until now.

How did this happen? She was supposed to stay with the girls and Tiny at... the bar.

Anger and adrenaline pulsed through my veins as we pulled into the clubhouse. My hands curled into fists, refusing to relax. My hellhound is itching to come out. I failed to protect her again and keep my promise to her.

Whiskey stopped me before I could go in. "Get off of me," I growled, shoving him back. He was playing a dangerous game, standing between Angel and me.

"I'm not here to stop you, but be careful about what you do and say next. They may come from a place of love, but she doesn't know that," he stated and headed inside.

Love? I love her. I love Kaitlyn more than anything and have since I walked into her brother's house... but she doesn't know. She needs to know.

Inside, Tiny sat in the corner covered in blood with tear-stained cheeks, staring at the kitchen doors. I walked past him to the kitchen, and the smell of iron hit me first. Blood. Opening the door, blood covered a corner of the floor, along with a knife sitting on the island.

That fucker is going to pay for this.

I headed to our makeshift medical room where Doc works on us and saw Doc outside. "She's asleep now. I have her sedated, and she needs her rest," he said, leaving to update Killer.

I promised Kaitlyn I would be calm for her, so I took a breath and entered the room. Whiskey stood next to Kaitlyn, and I didn't move. She lay in bed, covered by a blanket, with an I.V. in her arm, and all I could do was stare helplessly. Whiskey opened his mouth but snapped it shut and left as Killer entered.

"Tiny is still in shock. Whiskey said she drank a lot tonight at the bar with the girls. Seemed to drown herself in it, but didn't know why," he whispered. Anger rolled off him, and I knew he wouldn't sleep until he had answers. That makes two of us.

"Tiny knows," I said, leaving to talk to him.

Grabbing two fresh beers, I placed one in front of Tiny before sitting next to him. The bar fell silent, wondering if I would go down the dangerous path I am known for.

"Who did this to her?" I growled.

He didn't reply, closing his eyes.

Ripping him out of his chair, I pinned him against the wall by his neck. Raging, I yelled, "What happened?!"

His breathing became sporadic, and his lips turned blue, but I didn't care. I took my anger out of his face, watching blood pour from it until others tried to stop me. It took four brothers to pull Tiny out of my grasp, but not before I nearly knocked him unconscious. Gears had a broken nose, Bear and Blade received black eyes and minor cuts, while Shotgun probably had fractured ribs.

Beer bottles and chairs shattered against the wall, watching them shatter. My hellhound was out for blood, brother or not, and I didn't care. My Angel, my light, is lying unconscious, and I wanted answers.

"Tell me!" I demanded, through ragged breaths.

"Ace!" Killer roared. "Get a hold of yourself or I won't let you near her. You aren't of any use to me or her like this!"

Closing my eyes, and taking deep breaths, I thought about what Angel said. "I was worried about you."

Picturing her asleep in my arms slowed my breathing. The way she snuggles further into me instead of running away, relaxes me. Every night I want to kiss her lips, claiming her as mine, but I don't, worried she'll run away. But I refuse to let her go now.

A hand grasped my shoulder. Killer stared at me, waiting for me to come out of the black hole. I am holding on by a thread. A thread ready to break.

Looking over, Tiny sat on the floor with my hand marks bruised on his neck and blood covering his face.

"I found her in the kitchen covered in blood. There was just so much of it," he said, staring off, gazing off. "No one did this to her. She...I tried to...I'm sorry," he whispered.

Kaitlyn is our glue. Everyone loves her, but her relationship with Tiny is different. They fight like siblings and laugh even harder. Angel said she didn't view him as anything other than a friend, and I believe her, but it's still hard to watch.

"The knife was in her hand," Tiny murmured. "I tried to talk to her, but it didn't matter. Something from her past drove her to this. Saying she wasn't always like this, but only after he did something to her."

I walked away, not wanting to hear the rest, but Tiny spoke up again. "There's one other thing you should know, Ace." I stopped. "You were right about the prospect. She knows him. He tried to help her out of the car, and she nearly bit his head off," he admitted, turning to the bar to drink himself into oblivion. He blames himself, and nothing I could do or say would ease his guilt.

"I know what you're thinking," Killer said, stopping me. "This isn't your fault. We both knew about the prospect and did nothing about it. Kaitlyn is my sister. I am responsible for her and who we bring into this family. This is on me," Killer assured me.

We were hurting in our own ways. However, I will be more at peace once the fucker is dead. While Killer will continue to blame himself.

"When we find him. You will do your worst. Don't hold back Ace. He hurt my sister, my blood, and now his will spill," Killer growled, walking into his office, and slamming the door.

Oh, he will suffer, painfully and slowly, for what he did.

I went back to Kaitlyn. She looked pale and fragile, but I promised her I would show her she was an Angel every day, and I intended to keep that promise. Even if it means sitting next to her for the next few days or weeks until she wakes up and I can tell her everything I haven't.

I've got you, Angel.

Ace: His Angel (Phoenix Riders MC 1)Where stories live. Discover now