59: Brotherly Love

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Kaitlyn POV

Looking up, I couldn't help but laugh and hold out my hands. Snow. I got up and walked to the ledge, watching the snow fall and melt as it met the ground. Warm hands snaked around my hips, pulling me against their chest. We stood there for a while, but despite his warm kisses, my body felt numb. He loaded me into the warm truck, and we rode to Kyle's place, singing Christmas music the entire way.

Kyle's motorcycle wasn't in the driveway, and I got nervous. I guess he's not coming home. I've always wanted a protective big brother. He holds me when I cry, asks me who ass he needs to kick and sings along to my music when it's just the two of us.

I changed while Sam started a fire in the fireplace so I could defrost faster. My phone rang, and I knew who it was. I quickly changed into shorts and Sam's oversized shirt and returned to the fire while Kyle still talked.

Sitting in front of the fire, Sam pulled me into his lap. "Yes, I promise. No. Fine. I love you too." I looked at Sam, annoyed. "He wants to talk to you," I mocked, handing him the phone. This is the first night in months Sam and I will be alone, and Kyle is concerned.

Sam hung up, sighing, and I couldn't help but laugh. "You're telling me. You don't hear it every day like me. Think he'll get a new speech, or are we stuck with the same one?" I asked, knowing the answer. This time Sam let out a genuine laugh, and pulled me against him and kissed my head.

As much as I didn't want to ask the next question, I need to know. "Why did you leave?" I cautiously asked.

He stiffened against me and took a few breaths. "I needed some time to get my head on straight before making a choice I couldn't come back from," he whispered.

"Did you leave because I can't give you what you need?" I asked, scared it was true.

"No, Angel. No," he said, turning me around to face him. "I just... I love you, and I'm struggling to respect you and the time and patience you need. Killer told me to leave and get my head on straight. So, I did. I don't know what you're thinking or where you're at, but I will walk away if that is what you want," he whispered.

Walk away?! Does he want to walk away?

"Breathe, Angel. I'm not saying I will walk away, but if that's what you decide, then I will respect your decision," Sam said, reassuring me.

"I want you," I whispered, wiping my tears. "I chose you when you asked me to be your old lady, and I'm choosing you again now. My inability to be physical with you is why we're here, but I need you to push me. I'm asking you to not let me go back to who I was," I pleaded.

Sam nodded, kissing my head, and we sat in silence by the fire until my eyes drifted close. He carried me upstairs and stared at my shirt. "Do you want to take off your shirt or leave it on?" he asked.

"You can take it off," I answered, half-asleep, kissing his nose. Sam did so and crawled into bed next to me.

This is where I am supposed to be. With the man I love, ready for whatever comes next.


The next few weeks were busy. Christmas time is a prime time for sex trafficking, and therefore, Sam and Kyle were gone often. However, the girls and I were in full Christmas spirit as we decorated houses and the clubhouse, and I learned Ginger's love of the holiday could not be outmatched. This year she had an even bigger reason to celebrate, and I couldn't wait.

Finding gifts proved harder than I thought it would be. Seeing the joy on someone's face when they open the gift is my favorite part of the season and enough of a present for me. But this year, between Kyle and Sam, we were on a struggle bus.

Originally, I thought about buying Kyle some new tools he mentioned he wanted, but I wanted to get him something personal, too. He put time and thought into my birthday present, and I wanted to return the favor. I figured it out with weeks to spare, but Sam is another story.

A few days before Christmas, the girls were at Ginger's house, baking, when a stampede came through, grabbing everything they could get their grimy hands on. The guys are usually polite Neanderthals with food, but after being gone for several days, they seemed to have forgotten all manners.

"Not uh!" I yelled, slapping Kyle's hand away, but not fast enough. Sam hugged me from behind, distracting me, and took one himself.

"Those are for later! Why is it that boys can't just wait until everything is ready? We work all day to make you something and present it all cute, but y'all ruin that for us!" I said, struggling to free my hands from Sam's grasp as Kyle took another cookie, laughing.

Sam laughed, watching me struggle, and kissed my neck as his way of apologizing and distracting me. Closing my eyes, I leaned into his touch, and when I opened them again, I saw Kyle shoving his face full of food.

"Oh, come on, sis! You should know better by now. If you don't want it eaten, don't leave them out!" he teased. Throwing the towel at him as he ran out of the kitchen.

Sam spun me around and crashed his lips on mine. Claiming me in front of everyone, and I loved it. "Come on, we're going for a drive," he smiled and snagged another cookie, running away like a child. However, it is the only childish thing about him. Every day, he proves he is a man and someone I could marry one day.

I said goodbye to Ginger and the others and headed to the running truck. The cold and snow made it impossible for the guys to ride their bikes, and I didn't mind. I prefer my fingers and toes to stay warm and a butt warmer during the winter. It helps that Sam is a natural heater and never cold, but he never complains about me blasting the heat as long as I am warm and happy.

"Soooo," I teased, "where are we going?"

"You'll see," he laughed, kissing my hand, keeping it in his lap. I don't love surprises, and Sam makes me nervous, but I trust him, and I want to enjoy our time together. 

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