44: Family Reunion

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Kaitlyn POV

As we drove, the driveways became longer, gates grew higher, and homes turned into mansions. I stopped at the end of a long driveway and showed the guard our invitation. He spoke to someone through an earpiece, and the gate opened.

Atop the long driveway, a valet, or butler, opened my door and stared at me, confused.

"Never seen a woman drive? I suggest you drive it carefully if you want to live to see tomorrow," I stressed. Tank took my arm, and we headed inside. This is going to be a long night.

Someone led us to a formal living room where two guards, a tall man, and a busty woman, were waiting. All eyes fell on us, and the man stepped up to us, "Ahh, welcome! I'm Mr. Azzaro, and I'm pleased you joined us," he smiled with his thick Italian accent.

He didn't bother introducing the woman who clung to him, vying for his attention. However, I focused on the man who was the reason we were here. Kyle's father.

His height, dark hair, mannerisms, and how he carried himself seemed slightly like Kyle's. However, his eyes were a spitting image of his sons, more so than my mom, and I hate that. Kyle isn't like his father in the slightest, but there are pieces of him, and that will never change.

"Please, let's sit for dinner," Azzaro said, leading the way. Just play nice.

The massive dining room swallowed the four of us, and I felt uncomfortable. Dinner passed with small talk about our nonexistent wedding, and Tank let me do most of the talking. Keeping my answers vague. It wasn't hard since once upon a time I had imagined a future with him. But I eventually learned it was a future I would never survive.

Azzaro dismissed his date after dinner finished and smiled at us. "Well, shall we move this into the living room? This calls for a celebration! Maybe even a family reunion," he smirked, and my stomach dropped.

Two guards ushered us into the living room, forcing us into armchairs. The guard's firm hand didn't let me go, causing my anxiety to spike. Closing my eyes, I reminded myself the guys were outside, somewhere, and despite them not being able to hear or see anything, Sam would never leave me behind.

A guard left us, and Azzaro spoke. "Now, before he comes back, you should know the rules. One, I will ask questions, and you will answer quickly and correctly. If not, there will be consequences. Second, this will be a calm adult conversation. Outbursts or attempts to answer the other person's question will receive consequences. Questions?" Tank and I remained silent, and the door opened with the guard and someone else.


Tank's demeanor changed, and I didn't blame him. They covered his sister in bruises, and fear and anger radiated off Tank. He glanced at me, and I knew I couldn't fuck this up, or his sister and I will pay the price.

Azzaro stood behind Chloe, clamping down on her shoulder, wincing in response. I am here for Chloe. Not Tank.

"What do you want to know?" I asked, finding my voice.

"How did you know who I was?" Azzaro asked. I answered him honestly, and he seemed satisfied with my answer.

"What does your mom know?"

"Nothing," I replied truthfully.

The less my mom knew, the better. I haven't told her about finding Kyle, or that I have known about his father for years, nor do I plan on telling her. Lying isn't a good option either, but this is for her safety. I got us into this mess, and I will get us out.

"Do you know why you're here?" he taunted.

His taunting infuriates me, wanting me to stoop to his level, but I refuse. I have experienced plenty of men like him, who feed off power and control of others. However, my defiance earned Chloe a backhand across her face. No, no, no! That wasn't the deal!

Tank lost it and jumped out of his chair, screaming at Azzaro, which landed him a fist in the face and ribs, which did not sound good.

"Okay! Okay, yes! Why am I here?" I yelled over the others, standing up.

Azzaro smiled as power exuded off him, knowing we were at his mercy. "That wasn't so hard now, was it?" he smirked, moving behind his desk.

The guard retrained Tank while Chloe crumpled to the ground in pain. "I don't want you but your brother. See, I realized if I wanted to get to your brother, then I would have to hit him where it hurts, and that is you, my dear," Azzaro smirked.

"You said we could make a deal, and everyone would walk away with what they wanted!" I challenged him.

His eyes went cold and dark as he stalked towards me, towering over me to intimidate me. And it was working. "What I want is to watch my son suffer, and the best way to do that is through you," he sneered. "Even Noah, sorry it's Tank now, knew that. Didn't you, Tank?" he said, glaring at Noah.

Noah knew. He knew this whole time, and I played his game again. Anger pulsed through me as I acknowledged he used me again, just as he had years ago. Nothing has changed. Except for this time, our families will pay the price. My family.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" I yelled, standing in front of him. "I should have let Ace kill you while he had the chance! Now we'll all suffer because of you and your fucking choices. Again!" I cried out, punching him.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk. Issues with the happy couple I see. Don't worry, you'll have plenty of time to sort it all out over the next several days," Azzaro affirmed, his eyes filling with anticipation as I sat back down. He wanted to watch me suffer, while Noah would walk away just fine.

If Noah wants to play, then a game I will play.

Pulling off the ring, I tossed it into Noah's lap. "Noah's a fucking idiot who thought lying to us would be in his best interest. Nothing is going on between us. Never was," I said dryly.

Azzaro saw the lie coming a mile away. "Well then, I guess that we have more work than I expected, my dear," he whispered behind me.

The guards dragged all of us out of the room. Noah fought back, and a guard knocked him out with the butt of his gun. Azzaro's men quickly undressed him. Heroism never wins in these situations.

"Now," Azzaro said, staring at me, "Are you going to get undressed, leaving everything on the floor, or are my men going to do it for you?"

Trying to keep it together, I opted to undress myself, not giving him the satisfaction. Ace is the only person who can touch me. I nervously stood bare in front of them, and they placed a bag over my head, and something hard hit my head. Someone caught me before I hit the floor.

Ace, where are you? 

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