42: I Love You

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Sleep was the last thing on my mind as I replayed our interaction in the shower. Kaitlyn isn't physical often, but when she is, it's heaven.

The moment Angel caught me staring at her, she went back into her shell. I never want her to feel the need to hide from me or herself. My hands instinctively traced her scars, needing to feel her, and she grabbed my arms to steady herself.

I pushed her against the wall and as she looked up at me I saw it: desire. Her breathing quickened and seeing her bit her bottom lip, running her hands up my chest, caused me to snap. My lips consumed hers, and small whimpers echoed against the tiles, allowing me to slip my tongue in.

I trailed kisses down her neck and collarbone, pushing her chest out, allowing her head to fall back and eyes to close as I devoured her soft skin. Angel's moans and hands tugging on my hair drove me to the edge. She wants this, needs this, as much as I do, and I'll give her everything she wants.

"Look at me. Tell me what you want, Angel," I asserted.

Kaitlyn's green eyes opened, and hands raked through my hair, pulling my lips to hers for a soft kiss. "I-I can't give you everything, not yet. But I need to know despite everything, you still love me and that I'm not broken," she pleaded. "I've never felt good enough, or loved, let alone pleased, and I'm scared that I never will be."

Angel shouldn't feel unworthy of love or left unsatisfied ever and I refuse to let that continue. I gently lifted her chin, forcing her to look at me, and I saw fear and hesitancy. "I'm not fucking leaving this shower until you either want to continue this on the bed or you cum screaming my name, and even then, I make no promise to stop. Understand?" I asked.

She slowly shook her head, and I didn't hesitate, and I let everything about her consume me. Letting my hands wander, finding her breasts and tugging at her hardened nipples. I found a soft spot on her neck and bit down, causing her to claw at my back and pull my hair, pulling me closer.

I found her breasts and took them in my mouth while slipping a finger into her wet folds, and she was beyond tight. Her knees buckled, and I wrapped an arm around her waist, holding her up. Her moans and cries filled the room, and it was addicting. She is addicting.

Trailing kisses down her body to her clit, I quickened my pace and flicked my tongue over her mound. She tasted better than I could have imagined, and there was no way I wouldn't keep my promise. I worked her body relentlessly, letting her cries and shaking body dictate what to do, and I enjoyed every fucking minute.

"Sam!" Angel cried, gripping my hair, bucking against my mouth. I knew she was close and could feel her walls tightening around me like she was hungry for more.

Looking up, I saw Angel throw her head back and her eyes close as she fell apart, and I came apart from just the sight of her. It was beautiful. I didn't stop until she rode out her high and held her as she got her breathing under control.

Fuck, I want to do that again and again. Angel is mine, and I will never tire of her. I kissed her forehead. "I will always love you, Angel."

I slipped out of the room and went to the barn to work off my anger because Tank was off-limits. For now. I wrapped my hands, thinking of Kaitlyn's bruised ones from the bag, and wished Killer forced her to stop, not allowing her to push her heart too hard. But he didn't. Her heart will never be as strong as she wished, and if she pushes herself too far...

Stopping the thought, I pounded my fists into the heavyweight bag. My anger at the plan, Tank, and Killer came pulsing out. My job is to protect Angel, but when she's out in the open and vulnerable, it's nearly impossible. But I will protect her or die trying.

Killer came in and sat down. "She's strong, and you need to trust her. Kaitlyn has trusted us this far; now it's our turn."

"I trust Kaitlyn. It's him I don't," I growled, punching the bag, picturing his bloody face.

"I don't either, but we don't have a choice," Killer said, getting up and grabbing my arm. "Don't fuck this up, Ace. She may not have said it yet, but she loves you. The way she lets you in says it all."

An hour later, I found Angel curled up in a ball, hogging all the blankets, and I smiled. I showered before crawling in with her and pulled her onto my chest. She has become my world, and I will do anything she asks as long as she is safe. My Hellhound may destroy her one day, and I don't deserve her, but I can't let her go.

Angel stirred, smiling up at me, and I kissed her head. "I love you," she whispered.

Looking down, Angel stared back at me, half asleep, before closing her eyes again. Wait, she what? I could wake her up, and ask her to say it again, but I know better than to wake her. Either way, tomorrow she will know how I feel, and there is no more holding back.


In the morning, we held one final meeting while Kaitlyn slept. Killer will not take chances with his sister and needs everyone to understand this as well. Any of us would take her place in a heartbeat, but only she can do this.

Tank received a text with an invitation for the "lovely couple" to dinner tonight and discuss business, but we knew there was more. With very little information known, Tank and Kaitlyn would be alone. Almost. We will watch, placing tracers in multiple places, and be ready for whatever happens. However, it also means I have to sit back and wait. Which as the club's enforcer is not something I, nor my Hellhound, know how to do.

Small arms wrapped around my waist, and a kiss landed on my left shoulder, and I smirked. Her spot. Always. I pulled Angel onto my lap as Whiskey gave her food.

"Morning," she whispered, nuzzling her head into my chest.

"Morning, Angel. How are you feeling?"

"Nervous, but I can do this," she assured me. "And knowing you are close by makes me feel better." Her soft lips kissed mine, and I relaxed a little, but not enough to keep Angel from sensing my fear.

"Don't look like that, please," she pleaded. "I can handle him. Trust me he'll be dead before he can try anything," she laughed. She needs confidence, not fear. Smiling, I gently bit her bottom lip, and she instantly leaned into me. Mine.

"Get a room," Killer mumbled, sitting next to us. Kaitlyn rolled her eyes, sticking her tongue out at him. Over the last few months, Kaitlyn has found her footing and voice within the club, and I loved it.

Kaitlyn played with her food while Killer reviewed the plan again. Once Killer was satisfied, Kaitlyn got up, walked into the kitchen, and put in her headphones.

"Did you have to go over it again? She knows what's at stake," I snapped, following her. She wanted to be alone, but I would not let her out of my sight until I had to.  

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