60: Forever Home

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We drove for a few hours before Kaitlyn's anxiety kicked up, and she bounced her leg uncontrollably. I placed my hand on her leg, silently reassuring her she had nothing to worry about. She stopped immediately and looked guilty and apologetic. I gently squeezed her leg, and a small smile appeared again.

"Are you going to tell me where we're going yet?" she asked. "I gathered we're in Canada, but a specific where would be nice!"

"We're almost there. I promise."

"We better be. I'm starving. I didn't get to eat before we left because someone," she said, leaning over, poking my side, "ate everything before we left!"

I laughed. She's cute when upset, especially when I steal her food before it's ready. It's not my fault she makes some damn good food, and my fat ass can't wait. Secretly, I know she's trying to fatten me up, forcing me to spend more time at the gym.

Pulling off the freeway, I drove through a small town that went full out for Christmas. Snow covered the shop signs, garland, and wreaths hung from light posts, and a massive tree stood in the middle of it all. Angel smashed her face against the window, afraid to miss anything.

We pulled into the driveway, and the excitement in her eyes grew. I parked the truck, and she leaned over, kissing me before jumping out of the truck, and heading for the door. I grabbed our bags and trailed behind, opening the door for her.

It was a small cottage, fully decorated for Christmas, and Angel bounced with excitement. Or from the cold. I closed the door behind me and turned in time to catch Angel, who jumped into my arms, kissing me.

"How did you find this place?!" she squealed.

Returning the kiss, I smiled. "You wanted to see the snow, and I was about to pass up the opportunity to give you what makes you happy," I stated.

Putting her down, we explored the house and all its decorations. They set up a tiny Christmas village above the fireplace, a large tree in the living room, and the lights that littered the entire place. She drank in every ounce of the place as if it contained magic to a small child. I wanted her to enjoy the holiday season in the quiet before the chaos of the clubhouse ensued.

Kaitlyn explored the master bedroom and bathroom, which contained a massive soaking tub. I know where she will spend her time.

We found a cozy spot in town for dinner, and Kaitlyn talked about everything and nothing. Over the last few months, I've learned that once Kaitlyn is comfortable with someone, she will open up and talk for days, and I didn't mind. Every time we talk, I learn something new about her, and tonight was no different.

Back at the house, she changed while I put on a Christmas movie. She mentioned one of her favorites was "The Grinch," and not knowing a damn thing about it, I put it on. Kaitlyn returned in my oversized t-shirt, a pair of shorts hidden beneath the shirt, and her hair up in a messy bun. Fucking perfect, and all mine.

We laid on the couch under a massive fuzzy blanket and didn't complain. With my muscle mass, I am hardly ever cold, which Angel enjoys, especially in the winter. I ignored the movie, and watched Angel laugh, sing along, and whisper lines under her breath. She would glance at me, worried I was annoyed with her, but I could never be.

Kaitlyn is everything I could ever want and more. She has brought out things in me I never thought I would feel again, and I refuse to let her go now. We haven't talked about marriage or kids, but she is my future. Every time her green eyes meet mine, I know she's in it for the long haul.

An icy hand found my chest, pulling me from my thoughts. "You're thinking. I can see it," she whispered, but I didn't reply.

"Tell me," she hummed.

Her bright green eyes stared up at me, asking me to tell her every secret. Moving her off me, she furrowed her brows and wanted to say something, but quickly closed her mouth. I headed to the bedroom, rummaging through my bag, until I found what I was looking for.

I want this. Kaitlyn deserves the world, and this is all she ever wanted. To be loved unconditionally, and I can do that for her.

Taking a few deep breaths, I returned to the living room, pausing at the sight in front of me. Angel was curled up on the couch, buried under the blanket, watching the movie, content and happy.

Sensing me, she pushed pause and looked curiously at me over the armrest. I moved in front of her, offering her my hand, and she untangled herself, taking my hand. This wasn't what I planned, but it's right, and I don't want to wait any longer.

"Angel, when you said yes to being my old lady, you made me the happiest I have ever been. Since then, I've wanted to make you just as happy. I know being my old lady doesn't carry as much weight to you as it does for me, and I understand why. I've watched you fight to become the beautiful woman you are today, and I am more in love with you today than the day I met you. I have never wanted to be tied down to one person for the rest of my life until I met you. I don't want anyone else," I assured her.

Tears formed in her eyes as I got down on one knee, just for her, and pulled out the box I had hidden for the last few weeks.

"Kaitlyn Grace Summers, will you do me the honor of marrying me?"

Angel didn't hesitate. "Yes! Yes, I will," she exclaimed, falling to her knees, and kissed me. She kissed me, losing herself in it, and I know she loves me with everything she has. Pulling away, Angel looked at the ring, and the tears fell again. 

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