35: Worth Waiting For

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I watched the walls Kaitlyn held high around herself slowly come down, and it was beautiful. Hopefully, in time she will let me in, and I can fight those demons for her. Her ex hurt her far more than she will admit, but I will find him, and he will suffer for the damage he's done.

Angel fiddled with her fingers, staring at them. Kissing her temple, I whispered, "This is beautiful." She blushed, and I grabbed the hem of her shirt. Angel lifted her arms, and I pulled the shirt off.

My eyes wandered over her body, taking in her curves and scars. Pointing to her heart, I said, "And this is breathtaking."

Fuck, I want her. I want her to know she is beautiful and should be treated with respect and as though she is everything to me. But I will wait and do whatever she wants until she is ready.

A gentle hand tugged at my chin, forcing me to look into her eyes. "I want you. But I... I don't want to get hurt, and I want to do this right. You are worth so much more than you give yourself credit for, and I don't want to fuck this up," she murmured. "But your hands on my hip are not making this any easier."

Her hands tightened on my chest, and I stopped drawing circles.

"Angel, I will wait because that's what you do when you love someone, and I am in love with you."

Tears fell from her eyes, and I wiped them away. I held her as she let out the stress and fear of losing me because of her past. However, it didn't help that we hadn't found her ex-boyfriend, but she didn't need the added stress of knowing this. If she knew, it would stress her heart, and she couldn't take any more beatings. Lying to her isn't ideal, but it's my job to ensure her safety and keep her stress at bay.

Eventually, Kaitlyn's breathing evened out, and she let out a small laugh. "I think you've seen me cry more times than laugh."

"How about we start again tomorrow? The last few weeks were stressful, but tomorrow is a new day, and my goal is to make you laugh once," I smiled, moving fallen hair from her eyes.

"Deal," she laughed, taking off her glasses. She leaned over to put them on the nightstand, and her movements intensified my erection, and she was completely unaware of it.

My hands traveled from her hips up the curves of her body to her cheeks. I kissed each before moving down her jaw to her neck. Angel inhaled sharply, tightening her hands on my shoulders, and she tensed again. Biting her neck, she moaned, letting her head fall back. I could see her losing the bit of control she had.

Tangling my hands in her hair, I brought her forehead to mine. "What can I do for you, Angel? What do you need?" I bit out, not wanting to step out of line.

"I..." she paused, debating.

"Angel, I can't help you if you don't tell me," I growled, losing the little patience I had left. Images of her screaming my name while buried deep inside her flooded my mind. Wait, you idiot.

"I enjoy being kissed. It's my favorite," she whispered, tracing the tattoos on my lower abdomen. I snapped.

My lips consumed her soft ones, demanding control, and she willingly gave it. I easily slipped my tongue in, and Kaitlyn tasted sweet, and it was intoxicating. Her soft moans filled the room, driving me further to the edge of losing control. I pulled her under me, trapping her beneath me, and she giggled.

God, I'll do this all night if I get to hear her laugh and moan again.

Her green eyes and pink lips stared back at me, begging me to keep going. I smirked, and she bit her lip. I trailed kisses from one collarbone to the other. Her back arched off the bed, wanting more, but I pushed her back down. Keeping one hand on her hip, I traced every scar with my tongue, earning a string of moans from her.

Fuck, she's beautiful. She deserves to know she is still worthy of love, and I don't care if it takes all night. I will kiss away every fear and scar she has, and by morning, she will understand I love every part of her.

An hour later, with every inch of her skin kissed and marks I left behind, Kaitlyn fell asleep. My raging hard-on wanted more, but she looked happy and at peace, and that's all that mattered.

My phone lit up with a text from Hawk.

Hawk: Nothing yet. Ask her tomorrow what she knows.

I looked down at Kaitlyn. The thought of telling her crossed my mind, but I didn't want to upset her. But we need information, and if Killer doesn't get sleep soon, he'll crack, and she will find out before we can tell her.

The silence crept in, but I could faintly hear Angel's heartbeat, and if I stay still, I could feel it over mine. Kaitlyn is strong, and fights every day to survive, but I want her to live. Live without a past that controls her.

"I promise, I'll try every day to be the man you deserve, and the asshole will pay," I whispered, knowing damn well I will keep it. Even if it's the last one I do.

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