38: Secrets

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Kaitlyn POV

I stretched my arm across the bed, and it felt cold and empty. Putting on my glasses, I found Tiny asleep in the chair. He probably slept little since I'm not allowed to be alone after the last time, and I felt guilty.

Not wanting to wake him, I found Ace's shirt and a note: "I'll be back before you need to put it on." Not quite Ace, not quite. Slipping the shirt on, I quietly grabbed my phone and headphones before slipping out of the room.

The clubhouse was quiet, and I turned on the kitchen light to make some coffee. I sat on the counter, leaning against the fridge while I waited for it to brew. The quiet was overwhelming, so I turned some music on low and glanced at the clock. 5 a.m. They should be back by now. What could be taking them so long?

My mind raced through all the possible and impossible scenarios because overthinking is my specialty. The coffee beeped, and I grabbed the creamer and poured myself some coffee, and returned to the counter. To keep my mind from wandering too far, I did what I do best. Write.

An hour later, they still weren't home, and I gave up writing, letting my mind wander. Maybe they didn't find him? Or they underestimated him. They don't know him. I should've gone with them; for their safety. I should have told them everything.

No Kaitlyn. Your secrets keep the people you love safe. They don't need to know what he did and how I turn into someone I'm not in a matter of minutes because of him. How I struggle to remember who I am.

Movement in the doorway pulled me from my thoughts, and I saw my worst fear. Blood soaked his shirt while some dried on his hands. Slamming my cup down, I ripped out my headphones and rushed to the doorway.

Frantically, I moved Sam's vest and shirt out of the way, trying to find where all the blood was coming from. Tears inhibited me from seeing clearly. Anxiety seized my lungs, and my breathing became sporadic. The thought of him getting hurt, all because of me, sent me spiraling.

Strong hands wrapped around my frantic ones, pulling me into him. "You promised!" I squeaked out as the tears fell, and I fell apart in his arms.

Sam rubbed my back while whispering, "I'm okay. It's not mine. Breathe for me, Angel. I didn't mean to scare you."

Eventually, my breathing evened out, and I pulled away from him, and he wiped the last of my tears. I turned around and rammed my elbow into his diaphragm, trying to knock the wind out of him. He clutched his abdomen and bent over a bit. My hit was not strong enough to fully affect him, and I felt only partially satisfied.

"Angel, it's not mine!" he groaned.

"I don't care, you promised! You deserve more than that, but until I figure out how to kick your ass, it'll have to do!" I said, fuming, and crying again. My anger turned into tears making me look weak, and I hate it.

Sam opened his mouth, but I shot him a look, and he quickly shut it. "First, you shower, then we talk, and if I'm feeling nice, I won't ask Killer to flatten your ass," I bit out, sniffling.

Upstairs, I waited for San to finish showering, but his bloodied shirt and pants stared back at me. I know he's here and safe, but I need to feel him. To know he is okay and drown out my fears.

The water turned off, and Sam stepped out in a towel, water dripping from his hair. I got up from the bed as he grabbed a shirt and threw it on. I reached out and felt him tense against me. Turning around, my hands found the hem of his shirt and removed it, and I pulled him as close as possible before crashing my lips against his. I bit his bottom lip, and Sam understood what I wanted.

His hands wrapped tightly around my ass, picking me up, my legs wrapping tightly around his waist. Pushing my chest against his bare one, I tugged at his hair, and a moan escaped his lips. Sam moved to the bed, removed my shirt, and crawled over me. His hands wandered over my body, igniting every inch of me, and my mind quieted.

I want this; I want Sam. Love and commitment are the only things I see behind his hazel eyes, and I know he loves me. He may leave me, but I need him as much as he needs me, and it's a risk I'm willing to take.

My hands made their way to his pants, but a knock at the door stopped me. Groaning, Sam's eyes met mine, and I knew we both were thinking the same thing. Whatever it is, can wait. However, the person at the door didn't get the memo and knocked more forcefully. Sam opened the door, and Killer stood in the doorway, taking up the entire space.

Killer peered around Sam, and his face paled, seeing me half naked. Giving him my best innocent smile, Killer looked back at Sam with a stone-cold expression and said, "It's time."

Anxiety kicked me in the gut, and suddenly sex was the furthest thing from my mind. All I could think about was the past I was trying to run from staring me back in the face. Questioning if I would make it out in one piece.

But I asked for this, and now I have to deliver.

I dressed, wearing my Riders' tank top, showing I belong to Ace. I shook as I tied my hair into a bun and found hazel eyes staring at me in the mirror. This is just as hard for him as it is for me, but he nodded at my shirt in approval, and we headed to the shed.

Pausing outside the door, I turned to Sam. "Look when-when we go in there, I'm not... I will not be the same girl I am with you. You will see and hear things you will not like, but I need you to trust me. Please trust me," I nervously asked.

He cupped my cheeks and rubbed them softly. "I trust you. Completely, Kaitlyn," he assured me, kissing me. His passion forced me to only focus on him and the taste he left on my tongue.

Keep them safe, Kaitlyn. Be the Tiger you know you are. 

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